How close ?


Mar 11, 2012
How close is to close as far as base camp goes for elk. I've always tried be right on top of when selecting a camp site. After a few years of blowing elk out these areas I'm starting to think that I'm to close. Maybe I should ease back a bit and not stink up my hunting area. How far do guys stay away from your areas?
I do not know that there is a set distance, but if the elk know you are there, they are going to put some distance between you and them. Obviously you could push elk out of the area and have unsuspecting ones come around. You can have elk come feeding right by base camp. I would prefer to stay back far enough to minimize the affect of my camp on my quarry. Since the elk are going to leave when they know you are around, you are not saving on your travel distance by getting too close. In fact you may be exacerbating your problem.