How close is too close?


Jan 29, 2022
I'm one of those hated out of state hunters, coming into an OTC unit. Won't say where cause I don't wanna get dragged. BUT, I'm paying an outiftter to pack us in. I'm doing as much homework as I can. And in doing some scouring I've found one of the outfitter's camps within 1000 yards of the camp he intends to put my party in. I'll speak with him, of course, but I'm assuming this is another tent for another camp of his. I know there are loads of circumstances that could change things and I'm well aware that a public OTC unit is obviously gonna have some pressure. But would you put up with the outfitter putting someone else in a camp that close to you, if that does wind up being the case? There are 3-4 other tents on the map within 2-3 miles, which I figure is sorta par for the course but this one is 800 yards away. Does that throw up a red flag at all?
You’d be better off staying mobile on your own. I’ve heard of so many guys getting carted way back into the backcountry and either being stuck in elkless territory and not being able to adapt or running into more pressure than front country guys.
Personally I wouldn't be ok with another tent that close, especially if it's from the same outfitter. I'd be brining a backpacking tent just in case, that way you can spike out a night or two if needed.
Personally I wouldn't be ok with another tent that close, especially if it's from the same outfitter. I'd be brining a backpacking tent just in case, that way you can spike out a night or two if needed.
That’s in the plan anyway. I’m hoping it’s a staggered timeframe kind of thing.
I did my first drop camp in an OTC Co unit last year. I will never do that again. No elk and lots of other hunters. We took the outfitters word, which was "I guarantee you will never see another hunter". This outfitter came highly recommended so based on his "good" reputation, we booked with him. I suggest you DIY and stay mobile until you find elk. Then pack in if need be. That's the way we usually hunt but due to our advanced age we elected to try a drop camp. Once bitten, twice shy.
That’s in the plan anyway. I’m hoping it’s a staggered timeframe kind of thing.
I wouldn’t count on it. I would think of outfitters camp like a starting point, get his horses to pack in all your backpacking gear, then go out, find elk and stay with them. Plan on camping away/with the elk.

I’ve never used a drop camp but main benefit/purpose in my mind is having their horses to pack elk out from deeper than you could otherwise, not that they are taking you to a spot where there are more elk or they’re easier to kill.
Terrain dictates a lot. 1k yds in the Coeur d' Alene nf jungle is a long more open country, it's a rifle shot.

Remember that thermals and prevailing wind from every camp play into the every camp "vacuumed" a much bigger area than just what is seen.
Terrain dictates a lot. 1k yds in the Coeur d' Alene nf jungle is a long more open country, it's a rifle shot.

Remember that thermals and prevailing wind from every camp play into the every camp "vacuumed" a much bigger area than just what is seen.
This is definitely a more open unit. That’s my biggest fear and Hang up. There is definitely some key terrain interceding but not so much that I couldn’t be at that camp in an hour.
My personal opinion is that I would never expect to hunt within a 30 minute hike from my camp....and I would never camp within 30 minutes of what I expected to hold elk.

Hows the traffic the other 270*? How's the habitat?

Think food, water and bedding cover with a mile or so between. Bedding will be a flatish spot with wind advantage.....or great visibility....or both.
My personal opinion is that I would never expect to hunt within a 30 minute hike from my camp....and I would never camp within 30 minutes of what I expected to hold elk.

Hows the traffic the other 270*? How's the habitat?

Think food, water and bedding cover with a mile or so between. Bedding will be a flatish spot with wind advantage.....or great visibility....or both.
I like where your head is at. That’s where mine is too. And exactly what I’m thinking of.
This is a “It depends…” answer. My initial gut response is that it doesn’t matter as it depends on how you hunt and we are exclusively public land hunters where sometimes there’s tons of hunting pressure. We’ve never used an outfitter but camp at Wilderness boundary where often there are 2-4 other camps in close proximity And some farther where hunters show up early at trail heads on their side-by-sides. It hasn’t mattered, it‘s all in how we plan and carry out our hunts. One responder above here said he dOwen’ t head out more than 30 minutes from camp. In high country that’s no more than a mile. We’ve packed out, on our backs, bull and cow elk up to 4 miles from camp - takes 2 people 2-3 days. Yeah, it’s a haul, but we have success and the physical and mental rewards can’t be expressed. The guys/gals staying closer to camp are, more often than not, not tagging. Get in shape and be prepared to hike and haul.
An outfitter that’s going to drop two camps within a 1000yds is a red flag. Regardless of terrain conditions. We typically don’t even do drop trips within 2 miles of each drop.

That said, we’ve had people pack their own camps in and set up within a few hundred yards of our drop camp sites. Usually without even knowing ours was there. So maybe ask the outfitter how spread out he typically sets his drops and hunters.

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An outfitter that’s going to drop two camps within a 1000yds is a red flag. Regardless of terrain conditions. We typically don’t even do drop trips with if 2 miles of each drop.

That said, we’ve had people pack their own camps in and set up within a few hundred yards of our drop camp sites. Usually without even knowing ours was there. So maybe ask the outfitter how spread out he typically sets his drops and hunters.

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I’m hoping that could be the case too. This is an old photo and it may not be a consistent lay out from year to year. Could be a cache/supply tent. Could be any number of things.
It sounds like you are looking at Google Earth and spotted "a camp."

How do you know it belongs to your outfitter?
You are 100% correct. I spoke with the outfitter a few days ago and he described several camps in the area. So I’m definitely doing a little assuming here and intend to speak to him before I conclude anything. My point in asking was to see opinions of others in the chance that it is one of his camps.
Sounds like you need to speak with outfitter and find out what's real and what's memorex....also if other outfitters or he is exclusive there....if it's his camp then yes, will need to discuss expectations and if this will fit yours or not
Sounds like you need to speak with outfitter and find out what's real and what's memorex....also if other outfitters or he is exclusive there....if it's his camp then yes, will need to discuss expectations and if this will fit yours or not
That’s exactly where I am. Waiting on a call back.