How bad is it (pressure)? From a neophyte outsider.

Here's the problems:

1. Colorado. Colorado sucks because they pass out tags like Halloween candy.

2. That is all. Stay out of Colorado.
Again, outsider. Maybe hoping against hope, but if they pass out a ton of OTC tags - isn't this compensated some by a comparably larger elk herd, and quite a bit of public land available? Don't know if this is a known metric or if it's even helpful, but is there such a thing as elk density per sq. mi of public land, or, maybe, hunter density/s.m. of public land, both to compare to other states like MT, WY, ID?
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It’s all relative. I’ve got a spot I like hunting a lot. I can get there from home and not have to get out too early and skip my coffee and breakfast. I walk in from a major roadway, on a popular trail. Some days I can glass 20-30 people in orange and some that aren’t wearing orange. Other days there’s nobody, just me and the elk. Seems like most hunters are just flat lazy. If they don’t see elk standing broadside in the open they leave. The elk are there, you’ve just gotta be patient and pick them out.

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