holster options for Kifaru frame

Not a fan of the Blackhawk release method...trigger finger engaging the release while drawing is a recipe for an ND and it's not what I'm used to. I'll keep searching

Ian, you may be right...but my woods guns without a light attached sucks

Agreed. So does Rob Leatham, as he will not allow you to use one in his classes. Also agree that a woods gun has gotta have a light.
I agree but disagree. The paddle is above the trigger. And when I draw no matter what holster I use my trigger finger is in the exact same place as the paddle which is above the trigger. The trigger finger runs down the holster as I draw my weapon. Been using one for years and have never came close to a ND. I can see why it isn't allowed in a classroom situation as who knows how much experience the students have using one.
Not a fan of the Blackhawk release method...trigger finger engaging the release while drawing is a recipe for an ND and it's not what I'm used to. I'll keep searching

Ian, you may be right...but my woods guns without a light attached sucks

Agreed. So does Rob Leatham, as he will not allow you to use one in his classes. Also agree that a woods gun has gotta have a light.
This won't work for you since it doesn't have the ability to have the light attached to it but I use an ankle holster affixed to the opposit belt side of the pack. I am not using a kifaru pack but I just velcro it to the left side and it works pretty slick. If I ever had to use it quickly it would be a cross draw but I like it. Downfall is I had to remove the one waist belt pocket I had previously attached to the pack. I'm just careful when the pack isn't on me so the velcro doesn't come un-done but once the pack is on and waist belt synched up no worries.
I can see why it isn't allowed in a classroom situation as who knows how much experience the students have using one.

Leatham only teaches top-level shooters. I'm retired NG SF, been through a few SFAUC courses, worked as a security contractor OCONUS, taught at DOD approved handgun courses, and I was lucky to be able to attend one of his courses. I had to document all of the above, and submit my score from the Rogers Shooting School to be admitted. Most of Leatham's teaching time (its limited due to his obligation to Springfield and competitions) is with Tier One units.
Nice Glad you were able to take his course. Cant thank you enough for your years service as well that's a tough resume. My brother is in 7th group and will be retiring in 2years with 30 in.
Leatham only teaches top-level shooters. I'm retired NG SF, been through a few SFAUC courses, worked as a security contractor OCONUS, taught at DOD approved handgun courses, and I was lucky to be able to attend one of his courses. I had to document all of the above, and submit my score from the Rogers Shooting School to be admitted. Most of Leatham's teaching time (its limited due to his obligation to Springfield and competitions) is with Tier One units.
Agreed. So does Rob Leatham, as he will not allow you to use one in his classes. Also agree that a woods gun has gotta have a light.

Caveat: Where legal. In some states a light or laser on your firearm is illegal, wanna guess what libtard, gun hating places these are? LOL