Holster Mounting - Stone Glacier vs Kifaru


Mar 31, 2017
Which hip belt is better for mounting a pistol holster, Stone Glacier or Kifaru? I carry a 4" barrel 500 mostly - I don't think there are many holsters that will work well with the loops on the kifaru belt - they are fastened down and can't thread through the belt holes on a holster, can they? I also have multiple handguns and holsters that I switch between depending on where I'm going. It would suck to have to buy multiple special holsters to use with the pack...

How about the stone glacier? The Xcurve has that high and low strap. Do you just run the top strap through the holster, or both? Does it put weird pressure on you if you run both straps through it?

Which hip belt is better for mounting a pistol holster, Stone Glacier or Kifaru? I carry a 4" barrel 500 mostly - I don't think there are many holsters that will work well with the loops on the kifaru belt - they are fastened down and can't thread through the belt holes on a holster, can they? I also have multiple handguns and holsters that I switch between depending on where I'm going. It would suck to have to buy multiple special holsters to use with the pack...

How about the stone glacier? The Xcurve has that high and low strap. Do you just run the top strap through the holster, or both? Does it put weird pressure on you if you run both straps through it?

I use this set up on my Kifaru and really like it. I had to order from Jimmy Tarps for PALS adapter. But at least I can use my normal holster.

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Thanks. How do you like it? I've been contemplating getting one of those. Either way, I will still want the gun on my hip occasionally.


I am quite satisfied with it. Recently I went hiking/camping for 5 days with it while having a pack on my back. It felt quite comfortable and did not interfere with the pack at all.

Doesn't the chest holster interfere with your bino harness? or do you just not wear a bino harness? I went with a G-code holster and their battle belt molle adapter for my kifaru frame. Works like a charm.
To me the PALS/Molle setup is an inconvenience. I have a dozen devices that can be attached to a belt, but not one of them is compatible with the webbing.

What is the advantage of the webbing? (I'm sure there are some)

Adding an attachment onto the webbing so I can put bear spray for instance on a normal belt style setup is silly to me. I also don't want to buy adapters for everything I own.
I know it's not a wheel Gun but would work on any kydex holsters, pouches, whatever. I just got some Bladetech Molle Locks. They were super easy to put on. They fit any of my molle on my kifaru belt, bag and other bags with molle and my gun belt. This will definitely be my go to. G22 in Bravo holster with molle locks. They fit super snug on the duplex belt. It's exactly what I was looking for.



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I won't use a backpack mounted holster for lets say bear protection simply due to the fact there is going to be times I don't have my pack on.
The chest rig is what I'll be using. The Kenai chest holster.View attachment 56467
I know it's not a wheel Gun but would work on any kydex holsters, pouches, whatever. I just got some Bladetech Molle Locks. They were super easy to put on. They fit any of my molle on my kifaru belt, bag and other bags with molle and my gun belt. This will definitely be my go to. G22 in Bravo holster with molle locks. They fit super snug on the duplex belt. It's exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks. That does look like a really good setup. Unfortunately, I own about half a dozen holsters and not one is kydex! haha Is there anything similar for leather?
My JC Custom Kydex for my XD arrived today. Super happy with the fit and profile on my duplex belt.

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I also use the diamond d and have the same 4" S&W 500. Best holster I have used for the hand cannon. I hated having all that weight on my belt.

I also use the diamond d and have the same 4" S&W 500. Best holster I have used for the hand cannon. I hated having all that weight on my belt.


Have you compared it to the Kenai holster? I'm planning on getting one or the other.
Blackhawk makes an inexpensive adapter that can be modified (15 seconds with a dremel) to adapt a standard belt holder over to a Kifaru belt w/ the loops. Works great.
Something else to think about... I'm a big fan of the G-Code RTI attachment system. I have RTI mounts for my competition belt, Kifaru pack, casual wear and even in my truck.

The RTI Battle Belt attachment works great with the Kifaru frame belt.




This Sig is probably too large for backcountry hunting so I've got a RTI holster for my J-Frame .357 on order with G-Code.