Hoffman Pac Boots - When do you use your Pacs? Win a free pair!!

I love my pac boots for late season hunts. I typically run an uninsulated boot till about November, then switch to my pac boots. One thing I love about them in that I don’t have to run a gator if I don’t want to and my feet still stay warm and dry regardless of how much snow there is.


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If I had some pacs, they'd be great for late winter bird hunts, early turkey sits, and the occasional late deer and elk hints. Not to mention, running around town and shoveling, sledding, etc. all winter long.
Pack boots are great for cold temps and deep snow or mud. I switch to pac boots any time there is a chance that my feet will be buried in deep snow or cold mud all day and or if I’m doing a low activity style hunt. Also great for winter farm work, winter camping ect

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It's interesting because I just noticed this post and had already asked for input from Roksliders regarding which pac boot they would select in my post "Pac Boots - Which Ones".
I used to have really cheap pack boots from Bi-Mart but lately have just been wearing leather boots. I need pack boots for the late season elk hunts I do in the Snake River area of Oregon. I wore the 400 gram Kenetrek Mountain Extremes last time I was there. The temperatures ranged from 15 degrees to 28 degrees and there was snow on the ground. My feet were wet and cold the entire time. That's exactly when I would switch to pac boots. I need some!! Hoffman is my pick based on the responses to my post https://www.rokslide.com/forums/threads/pac-boots-which-ones.151644/page-2#post-1439194 . I just have to decide which ones.
I usually only wear them with snow. Being in the mountains of the Mid-Atlantic don't deal with a lot of it, but I wear them on the farm and when plowing snow once we have over 8" or so.

Of course every few years we do get a big one, might have them on for a week to ten days then.
I wear my pac boots during deep snow and cold. I don't exactly know the temperature when I start to use them, but after the first time my leather boots freeze into a curve, I dig out the packs. I like being able to change liners out, and they work especially good when you are not moving quite as much. Or when I am not particularly concerned with how many miles I can crank out that day. They are also quite good when the weather is hovering around the freezing/thawing mark with a bunch of snow on the ground, pac boots will always keep your feet drier than leather boots.
My dad has a pair of Hoffman's and he bought them right around the time I was born, which was twenty years ago, and he would wear them hunting quail in late winter. Then my three older brothers and I all wore them from one time to another, finally getting to wear those boots was like a rite of passage in our house, and the day my dad said I could wear the Hoffman's I was thrilled, and I haven't worn a more comfortable boot since. But finally after twenty years of hard use and being worn by my dad, all three of my older brothers, and then me, we sent the boots back to Hoffman to have them rebuilt, and now I love wearing those boots on quail hunts, late season deer hunts, when I'm shed hunting, and I also love to use them in the early spring season for turkey's when there is still snow on the ground. Those boots keep my feet dry and warm!!
I live in Western Michigan and we are prone to high levels of snow fall and some pretty frigid temps, in the past I’ve relied on my pack boots for anything ranging from cleaning the drive way, ice fishing trips, late season small game sessions and of course some whitetail treestand evenings. For me, the weather has to be below 20 before I really start to feel the need for them, my feet sweat fairly easily so have to be vigilant when selecting my footwear and socks.

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When it’s cold as $#!% or the snow is over the ankle. My only pair are hand me down Kenetreks, as my dad no longer needs them for UPS after retiring. He spent 26 years delivering Christmas in Idaho. I decided to follow in his footsteps, this is my first year delivering for UPS. I see the need for new pac boots in the near future.

Can I still win if my last name is Hoffman?

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I live in Georgia so we don’t get a ton of snow... however, it rains quite a bit here in the winter and my feet get cold easy. I also hunt in an area of the state with quite a bit of elevation change (for the southeast, at least). A quality pair of pac boots give me everything I need for where I am!
I lived in northern Saskatchewan and always wore pack boots in the winter, loading planes, driving fuel trucks, working outside, and flying. I used Sorells at the time and didn’t realize that there were better options available.
I don’t wear pack boots at the moment as I now live in BC and the sorrels don’t give me enough support for hiking and hunting in the mountains. I would love a quality pair of pack boots that provide enough support to wear while hiking and carrying a pack.
I switch to pac boots when the snow hits and temps drop, or it’s exceptionally muddy. I have been eyeing a pair of your boots with the extra ankle support.
When it’s cold as $#!% or the snow is over the ankle. My only pair are hand me down Kenetreks, as my dad no longer needs them for UPS after retiring. He spent 26 years delivering Christmas in Idaho. I decided to follow in his footsteps, this is my first year delivering for UPS. I see the need for new pac boots in the near future.

Can I still win if my last name is Hoffman?

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Hahahah there’s nothing in the rules about it so you’re good!

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I do not own a pair of pac boots but would love to try some Hoffman's. My feet freeze when hunting late season and world use the pac boots when the snow falls and temps drop. They would be awesome for late season whitetails in the stand or those miserably cold mtn hunts.

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I haven’t used pac boots in the past though started my research on them recently. I think they would work amazing for the late season elk hunts here in AZ when the temps are in the teens or lower. Along work perfect for CO deer hunts. Thanks for the chance to win some top of the line boots.
Ironically enough I just found Hoffman Pac boots a couple of weeks ago while searching for a rugged but yet warm boot to hunt whitetails in the midwest. In my search I found the big 3 Kenetrek, Schnees, and Hoffman. Never have hearing of Hoffman before I checked out the web site and boots and thought these might be the ones. I have never owned a pac boot, but think they just might be what I am looking for to replace my muck boot arctic pro's. I think having a removable liner and multiple insulation fabrics and layers as well as a breathable upper might just do the trick, not to mention provide more stability when walking or packing in with a mobile stand set up and enough gear to sit in the stand from dark to dark. A few weeks back I was second guessing my boot and sock system with it was -9 deg with a 15mph wind which was a bit colder than normal this early November here in Indiana. It didn't take long for me to start thinking about alternative products when it hurt to move my toes. Like someone mentioned in one of the earlier posts everyone is different when it comes to cold tolerance as well as feet sweating. That morning I had about a 1/2 mile walk in and by about noon I was done, everything was warm but my feet. New boots are needed, now it's just narrowing things down to see which ones fit best for me. Greatly appreciate everyone's comments and input as knowledge is key and it makes us all a little better in the long run, (even though I tend to learn more from my own mistakes than anything else.). Hope everyone is having a good and safe hunting season ! Eric @ GPO
My pacs are literally my favorite part of winter. Nothing like the first lace up when that snow hits the ground and sticks. River bottom hunts when the ground is frozen first thing but I know it’ll end up slushy by lunchtime... Late season mule deer or elk hunts in the mountains... I’ll wear them all winter when working around the house or shoveling the driveway.

Love my pacs.
Don’t have pacs and am looking to get some. Figured I’d add to my Steve Rinella starter kit that I have going with my First Lite and Costas by getting some Schnees, but I started researching and Hoffman’s started coming up. Now here I am hoping to win a pair for this winter.

Did a 4th season cow hunt on the Gore Range and went with my Kennetreks expecting the snow to stay snow and not melt. Those boots and gaiters worked super until the snow started to turn liquid. The little stove in my LBO did an admirable job, but I was still wringing our cups of water from my socks during the day.

Decided pacs just have to be the next tool in my kit. I will wear them hunting, ice fishing, and walking my two GSPs in the Frisco snow. Had to gaiter up this morning because the snow was over the top of my boots, pacs would solve that problem too!

First world problems...

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