Hilleberg Nallo

les welch

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Central WI
Anyone using the 2 or 3 and how do you like it. Thinking this is the tent I use this year, looking for some thoughts on it.
Les, I used the Hilleberg Nallo 3 GT for 2 years then sold it. Its a palace for a 4 season double wall tent given the weight. The only thing I didn't like about it is it is like a tarp in that it is very wind directional. The tunnel design is great when its facing the wind. However in this pic the wind changed that night to a solid 40+ mph to the side of the tent with snow, which I later discovered bent one of the poles slightly. Not a huge deal and didn't even notice until I took down the tent. But if I am going to have a 4 season tent I'll want it to handle the weather from all directions well in case of such an event. I will say if going the route the GT vestibule is WELL worth the extra weight IMO.


Also I already have my non-freestand tent bases covered with tipis so I want a freestanding tent now. Obviously I'll be going Hilleberg again as they reek of quality but this go round will likely be a Jannu for my winter hiking and backpacking endeavors as well as a sleeping base camp tent for drop off hunts to sleep in for when I am in base camp as well as stow gear in when I leave the base camp and take the tipi out to spike out of which will be nice knowing I left my extra gear in a virtual bunker.

Hope that helps

Couple other random pics:
Dad's 2009 goat hunt

Dad and I inside the tent looking out to the chef fixing up dinner in the vestibule

Snowshoeing and camping at -15 deg overnight.
No problem man. Got lots o' pics of stuff but try to keep it curbed as to not bore the masses ;) Plus mien are all shot with crappy point and shoots so the quality ain't like most on here anyways.
me and rebecca used the nallo 3 with vestibule . we loved ti and had no problems, we were in heavy rain and winds. it kept us dry with little condensation problems
luke we have used eureka k2 expedition ( an old model ) and mountain hardware trango 3 for full on expedition stuff. they are bomber in the worst conditions but not light. but you will not die in heavy winds and heavy snow
I don't know Luke, I think most like to see pics, especially us "Southerners". Love the AK scenery!
me and rebecca used the nallo 3 with vestibule . we loved ti and had no problems, we were in heavy rain and winds. it kept us dry with little condensation problems

Thanks BG, good to know. Pretty sure this will be my next tent....soon.
Les I think you'll like the Nallo 3 GT. Great tent, just think for what I am looking for in a 4 season tent I'll go free standing as if I am really looking to save weight the GoLite tipis are what I'll use.
why do you choose golite/ i am looking for a tipi and would like some ideas
Bearguide, I went with GoLite due to price and weight. You'd be hard pressed to find another tent that will give you 90 sq ft of fully enclosed area for only 29 oz and I bought it during the GoLite 40% off sale 2 years ago so it came in at a fraction of the price of other options. Would I trust it to take on you and Rebecca's trip out to the AK Pen, not in the least, thats when the Trango and their ilk or king, or the Barney's Bombshelter palace is nice as I am sure you are well aware of.

That is the main reason I chose them. Basically I am a cheapskate that can't carry much weight so I wanted the cheapest/lightest tent I could find. :D