high winds


Feb 24, 2012
I hate hunting high winds, but, we got them coming. I doubt it matters much to the deer this time of year, but a couple thoughts from you guys.
1. What have you guys observed with movement in high winds with pre rut or rut on.
2. Does the high winds push your scent farther, or does it dissipate it so bad they cant smell as well.
I hate hunting high winds, but, we got them coming. I doubt it matters much to the deer this time of year, but a couple thoughts from you guys.
1. What have you guys observed with movement in high winds with pre rut or rut on.
2. Does the high winds push your scent farther, or does it dissipate it so bad they cant smell as well.

Any more, I prefer high winds to no winds, at least it is more predictable what your scent will do.
I think there is a good chance it dissipates your scent some. We are hunting high winds this weekend and at times we get lucky with deer coming in from downwind when I think a 5mph wind would have done us in. Also covers all noise when approaching stands.

Lastly if you hunt in KS or eastern CO, the deer have to go on living so I don't think the winds have that much effect on movement.
I hate hunting in high wind. That said, I don't think it makes a huge difference during the rut. Shot one of our biggest bucks in extremely high winds.

Bucks seem too dumb to care if they smell you or not in the rut and does are already on edge from being chased by the bucks, so a doe running and/or snorting doesn't seem to really alert the bucks and might even attract them.

I will still try to find a place a bit out of the wind as much as possible though.
I shot my best Michigan buck cruising on the windiest day I've ever hunted. I think if they're cruising they're cruising. I don't hunt full moon much outside the rut but I do when they're chasing. I've shot them like that too
1. I hunt the rut regardless of wind, moon, temperature, pandemic or inflation. Buck hormones trump most all conditions and give marginal hunters like me the best chance.

Pro tip: hunt Mondays. The deer least expect us in the woods. I retired this year and have killed a doe and a buck so far, both on Mondays.

2. I think wind helps the hunter (during the rut) unless your stand is in a skinny blackjack oak.
I've always hated high winds but 2 years ago I killed a great buck with a 30 mph south wind. This year we had several days with winds at 45mph+ and I still saw some decent deer. I don't prefer it at all, but when its on, ITS ON!
I think it depends on where you are and how used to them the deer are. If they accustomed to it then 0% difference. If they aren’t, movement likely reduced.

And you can take the lunar calendar and blow it out your ass. Localized weather patterns and breeding cycle are all you need to know to make the most of your chances…. From Day 1 until season shuts down. Well, barring the influence of hunter pressure. That certainly needs to be considered.
In my experience, whitetails in wooded areas move less as the wind increases- to a point. When the wind is really whipping, like branches coming down windy, deer movement really picks up. Their sight, hearing and sense of smell are compromised and they get more skittish and move alot.

As mentioned by others, some of my largest deer have been shot during wind storms.
I saw a shooter for sure tonite, but he was a bit to far. suppose to rain tomorrow til 1100, to go or not to go
I've seen some of the biggest bucks in high winds. I can still picture them so I say go.
Old boyz told me long ago when windy walk the tops of hills and look down and vice versa on quieter days.
got decent rack once doing this he trailing a doe though.
had to travel 20 miles to where there are hills though.
all forest or low land-bog here.
Talking with my buddy, we are pretty good to go until it gets to like the 45 mph gusts it’s supposed to tomorrow. Especially with some rain. Gonna pass on that.
You can definitely take advantage of the strong winds some days, especially when ground hunting. My gues is strong winds switch up so much that deer struggle pinning scent down. This time of the year, they’ll generally disregard all that keeps them safe to an extent.

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This is what I love about Whitetail.

They are everywhere, and no weather condition or type of the year has anything to do with them as a whole