Help with Nevada cow elk unit 78

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Jun 8, 2024
Been hunting hard last 3 1/2 days. Scouted the two days prior to the season. I have not seen anything. Have not heard a peep. Walked miles after morning hunt and I do see some sign. Soft drippings, some tracks. I have heard one shot fired since the season opened.

This is my first elk hunt. I have been hunting them like deer. Sit a high vantage point over corridors between canyons, glass all morning and evening. Walk late morning early afternoon.
There's a handful of animals around, but with the lack of shooting I feel I should stay out and keep doing what I'm doing. Any advice is appreciated. PM's welcome. Thanks
If you're not seeing animals or fresh sign, move. I don't know anything about that unit, but I'd be heading to another area. It's usually pretty obvious whether or not elk are using a given location.
I would say it's time to move. Try driving around to see if you can locate a heard, or at least see a few animals. Then hunt that area.
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