Not a knock on binocular harness pouch systems (though I might tease a bit) but I've never fully understood the why. I can understand wanting the protection but after near 40 years of top quality and very expensive binoculars around my neck I'm not seeing the purpose of these things. None of my binoculars have ever suffered any permanent damage for being in the elements. If they get dirty I clean them, over and done. I watch people pull binoculars in and out of the case and it's not as simple or fast as grabbing them off my chest or letting them go when done and some of them weigh a fair amount. Only one in my closer circle uses one so maybe the rest of us are all old stick in the mud's. Who came up with it and why did you choose to use one? How many are like me and just stay with a simple strap or basic harness with no pouch?