Help me scope my Savage LW Storm 7mm-08

I just got the SWFA ultralight on my ar15 Grendel. Hopefully will get it sighted in next week. I turned it to 10x and mounted it where it was comfortable. It is a little position sensitive at 10x but nothing bad, at least for me. I am able to mount it and get a good sight picture quickly. For my eyes 6x and down it was a non issue at all.
If I can get the scope comfortable at the highest power the lower ones almost never seem to be an issue. Just my 2cents on the eye relief.
I do the same thing. Most scopes lose considerable eye relief at their highest powers. Leupolds are exceptional in this area, as they seem to maintain their eye relief better than any other scopes I've used.

I need to see one of those SWFA Ultralights in the flesh. I like the idea, and specs, but it sounds too good to be true.
Did you ever scope this rifle? I'm considering the same gun and cartridge and am looking at the:
1. Trijicon AccuPoint 3-9x40 with the Mil Dot
2. Swarovski Z3 3-10x42

They are both kind of out of the price range, but if they are worth it I could save for a few more months. Thoughts?
Did you ever scope this rifle? I'm considering the same gun and cartridge and am looking at the:
1. Trijicon AccuPoint 3-9x40 with the Mil Dot
2. Swarovski Z3 3-10x42

They are both kind of out of the price range, but if they are worth it I could save for a few more months. Thoughts?
I have both scopes on fieldcraft, mildot trijicon, 4A on the Z3, both are great. No issues. Same weight as well.
Picked up a new lightweight hunting rifle the other day, and I can already tell I'm going to love it. It's shooting lights-out and at just 6.4 lbs. scoped, it's a joy to carry.

Right now, I have a 2-7x33 Leupold with the hard to find LR Duplex reticle on it (9.9 oz.). It's a great little scope, but now that I've seen what this rifle is capable of on the range, I'm prepared to spend a little more $ scoping it. The 2-7x33 will be a great fit for my muzzleloader.

Although I'm a Leupold fan, I can't think of any other Leupold I'd rather have. I've tried the VX-3i both CDS and standard duplex, and neither were for me. I prefer ballistic reticles over dialing and I despise the standard Leupold duplex as I find it nearly worthless for holdover purposes with it's too-gradual taper and 4 MOA opening.

I'd like to keep it lightweight. 13 oz. would be my upper limit.

Scopes I'm looking at:

SWFA Ultralight 2.5-10x32 w/ ballistic reticle
Swaro Z3 3-9x36 w/plex or 4A reticle
Vortex Razor 1.5-8x32 LH w/ bdc reticle

What else should I be considering?
How about the VX-3i 4.5-14x40 w/Boone & Crockett reticle. Weighs 13oz. Midway has a special on them right now for $519 w free shipping.
I bought the SWFA Ultralight for it, and it wore that for a while. But at anything above 8x, the optics of the SWFA didn't impress me. Also the light gathering was weak.

So it now wears a VX-Freedom with the Tri-MOA reticle. After a few trips to the range and in the field, I'll report back. The VX-Freedom 3-9x40 is only 12 oz. so it's still very lightweight.
So it now wears a VX-Freedom with the Tri-MOA reticle. After a few trips to the range and in the field, I'll report back. The VX-Freedom 3-9x40 is only 12 oz. so it's still very lightweight.
I have the same scope on the same gun and like it. This is my second year with it but I don't stretch it out much hunting in S Georgia. I'm eager to hear what you think. As far as a lightweight package, its a hard set up to beat
I have the same scope on the same gun and like it. This is my second year with it but I don't stretch it out much hunting in S Georgia. I'm eager to hear what you think. As far as a lightweight package, its a hard set up to beat
With the accuracy I'm getting from the 131 Hammers, and the velocity, I'd be willing to take a 500 yard shot at a deer under the right conditions with a solid rest. I wanted a scope that was up to that task. I have the drops (in MOA) memorized for that load. Fortunately, they are the same drops as my '06 load, so I lucked out there. I look forward to seeing how the optics and reticle hold up in the real world at dawn and dusk.
With the accuracy I'm getting from the 131 Hammers, and the velocity, I'd be willing to take a 500 yard shot at a deer under the right conditions with a solid rest. I wanted a scope that was up to that task. I have the drops (in MOA) memorized for that load. Fortunately, they are the same drops as my '06 load, so I lucked out there. I look forward to seeing how the optics and reticle hold up in the real world at dawn and dusk.
Yeah let us know what you think about the scope over all . You can't beat that price. Half the price of the Trijicon.
Midway has the VX-3i 3.5-10x40 CDS-ZL on sale right now at a price that tempted me. But my eyes see so little difference between the VX-Freedom glass and the VX-3i that I just can't justify the 2x price penalty. Plus I think I'm a holdover guy and not a dialer. I've been holding over my whole life and it's pretty intuitive now.
Yeah let us know what you think about the scope over all . You can't beat that price. Half the price of the Trijicon.
1st trip to the range was impressive. 2 shot zero after boresighting (the old fashioned way, pulling the bolt and centering the paper in the bore at 100 yds.). One adjustment later, I aimed at the first hole and th 2nd shot was nearly in the same hole. Third shot was 1/4" away.

I spent about an hour shooting 3 different hand loads. Final shot was at a steel plate at 300, holding on the 2 MOA mark (I zeroed the scope at 200) and I hit the plate dead center.

The VX-Freedom Tri-MOA is extremely sharp and bright, and the reticle seems to be very useful and intuitive. The final verdict will be how it looks on brown hair at twilight, of course, but I can tell already I'm going to be much happier with this scope than the previous one.

At 12.2 oz, it makes a nice companion for the 5 1/2 lb. Lightweight Storm rifle.