Help me decide on 270 win bullet

May 26, 2019
Decided that my winter project to tinker with is working up a load for my 270 that was passed down from my grandpa it’s an old husqvarna in a stock my great grandpa made so really just want to use it for sentimental value . I used to hunt with it every year but I started buying other rifles and using them instead. Having trouble picking a bullet to start I’ve narrowed it down to 130 Berger hunter, 140 Berger hunter, and 145 ELD-x.

I want to use this gun for deer and elk next year. Any 3 of these should hold enough velocity to do there job at any range I’m comfortable with shooting. Just wondering if anyone can share there experience with these choices. I already shoot bergers in my 28 Nosler and 6.5 prc so I know how well they work. But after seeing everyone success with eld-x I’m open to those too.

The barrel on this rifle is 21” so it will be shooting a bit slower than a standard length 270
I don’t have input on either of those three bullets. I thought you might be interested to know that I have an 18.5” 270 that pushes the 140 Accubond at 2950fps. I think that’s really respectable and you’d probably 150 to 200fps be over that with 21”.
I don’t have input on either of those three bullets. I thought you might be interested to know that I have an 18.5” 270 that pushes the 140 Accubond at 2950fps. I think that’s really respectable and you’d probably 150 to 200fps be over that with 21”.
I’d be really happy with that speed with a 140 grain bullet at that barrel length. What powder and brass combo? I actually had considered an accubond also just hard to go away from bergers with the results I’ve seen the last couple years with them.
I get just shy of 3000fps out of a 22” barrel in my 270Win with 150 grain Partitions. 130, 140, and 150 grain Partitions and Accubonds are very accurate in my rifle.

Good luck.
ELD-X 145 gets a lot of love from 270 and 270 WSM shooters here on the forum for accuracy and terminal performance. And they're half the price of Bergers! I'm working up loads for my WSM using that same bullet and hoping I can find a recipe to be my go-to do (almost) everything load.
Longer bullets can prove to be tricky in older guns, if that is the case try a 130 ballistic tip and 55 grains of 4350, hands down this has worked in every rifle I have used