Help! 270wsm accuracy issues.


Sep 5, 2015
Hey guys/gals,
Im not quite sure where to post this this but I figured someone could point me in the right direction.
Im having major accuracy issues with my 270wsm.

About the gun:
8ish year old Savage Model 16 270wsm.
Cleaned after after every shooting session, and hunting trip.
About 500 rounds max through it.

I have tried multiple bullet loads from hand loads to factory loads. 130 grain to 150 grain and multiple different bullet manufactures who make copper and lead bullets. (needless to say, I have a lot of extra ammo laying around now).

The issue:
I will start out by saying I loved this gun up until about 2 years ago when I started having issues with the accuracy. I have killed many elk and deer from 50-500 yards with it.
I took it out to shoot it a few months before season to start working back into shooting/hunting shape and noticed my cold bore shot would be dead on. At 100yds I could hit a soda pop cap no problem. Then my next 2 shots would be off a few inches(all at 100yds) then my groups would open up to about 6-8 inches. Then all the sudden I could hit the same spot again.
The off shots were never off to a specific side. So 2 shots would be low and right 4 inches then then the next 2 shots would be high left 2 inches.

I would let the barrel cool, and the same result would happen.
I thought it was my scope but I was skeptical as its a Leupold vx-iii
So I switched out bases, rings, and scope and put my vortex viper on top. same result.

I haven't tried any sort of harsh bore solvent or cleaner with ammonia in it for copper fouling and such.

Im just curious if any of the more experienced fellas on here have any feedback on possible issues with this thing. I am no expert by any means, Im just finding it hard to believe that I have shot the barrel out of my rifle at less than 500 rounds.

Thanks in advance for the feedback and responses.
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You said you cleaned it after every shooting season and hunting season, but you never have used bore solvent? What have you been using to clean the barrel? Sounds like a good barrel cleaning maybe in order.
to clarify, I never used the fouling solvents they make specifically for copper fouling with the ammonia it other fouling solvents. I have used the hoppes stuff that comes with gun cleaning kits. Thats it.
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Cleaning it after every time you shoot is a little excessive. Let the groups tell you when it needs to be cleaned. That being said, it sounds like the issue is related to heat since after you let it cool it will go back to 0. Is it freefloated? If it is, have you tried the paper test when it is heated up. It sounds like there might be a stock issue interacting with the barrel once things expand.

I would also give it a good copper cleaning as it is probably fouled up. Going 500 rounds without cleaning copper especially if you shoot copper bullets will build up a ton of copper. The ammonia copper cleaning products aren't near as bad as you think they are. Use a Bore Guide and clean after doing the copper and you shouldn't have any issues. If you don't want to use an ammonia based product, there are others such as KG-12 that contain no ammonia. The downside is that the patch does not come out blue like it does with ammonia based products so you don't know if you got all the copper. If anybody you know has a borescope, you would be able to tell how bad it is. I would personally start with cleaning out the copper, and then investigating the stock.
Cleaning it after every time you shoot is a little excessive. Let the groups tell you when it needs to be cleaned. .

This^^^ is very important to know when to and NOT to clean. You can do just as much damage to the precious throat or precision rifling by excessively cleaning your barrel. On a 270wsm as hot as it's going you may be prematurely shortening the life of that barrel just by cleaning it alone.

If you genuinely believe the barrel is still acceptable I'd try a thorough copper fouling cleaning and go from there. Savage is well known for producing tack drivers and a low price. I'm betting the stock and bedding are normal (for savage) and the issue sounds like it's in the barrel
I had that same rifle and it shot well with handoads. I agree with the above it probably needs a good cleaning to remove copper fouling. One thing I have noted with my savage rifles is they don't shoot well with a very clean bore. For me, after a good cleaning, they need a fouling shot or two then go back to being very consistent. Also mentioned above is the free floating barrel. If this rifle is pre accustock, the fore end of their synthetic stocks are kind of flimsy and can contact the barrel if it's in any kind of bind such as shooting from a bipod. You may also want to check your action screws to make sure they are properly torqued.

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Good advice above... I've seen barrels take up to 18 rounds to settle back in after a good cleaning.... also, have the crown looked at... (cleaning that excessively could have damaged the crown... especially if you weren't using a bore guide.)
Awesome! Thank you everyone for your responses. I will investigate all this stuff for sure!
Thank you guys!