Hey Everyone, I am looking for any insight you may have. I have been reloading casually for years, and just picked up a new Tikka T3x ultra lite in .270 for this season. I am working on developing a load for her now but have run into some strange issues.
First about the load:
Bullet: Barnes TTSX 130gr
Brass: Federal once fired (case volume measured after fire formed at 69.10 gr H2O).
Case Size: Full length sized with a 0.002" shoulder bump (measured using Sinclair shoulder tool)
Case Prep: Brass trimmed to 2.5300, primer pockets cleaned and flash hole deburred.
Primer: Standard Large Rifle - Silver is CCI, Gold is Winchester
Powder: Ramshot Hunter (Suggested load range is from 51 - 56.6 for TSX, assume about the same)
Seat Depth: 0.062" off Lands. Initially i shot for 0.05" off lands per Barnes suggestion, but would not clear my magazine, so I kept seating until they worked in my mag.
OAL: 3.367"
I have never used Ramshot before, but its all I can get my hands on these days.
So I have two issues:
1. I loaded 10 rounds with what would have been a mild load just so I could get velocity numbers to calibrate my GordonsReloading tool data. This load used the CCI primers and 52.2 gr of Ramshot, all other parameters are above. The issue is that despite this being in the low end of the suggested powder charge range, As you can see in the photo below, I was getting high pressure signs already (primer is flattened). This load was giving me an average velocity of 2,866.6 with a SD of 23 ft/sec which seems to be pretty close to what this weight should give in terms of velocity.
Why am I seeing high pressure signs? should I start lower but then have a slow .270 round? Is something else wring with my load?
2. I loaded 10 more rounds (Win Primers) starting at 54.4gr and increasing 0.2 gr each shot to look for nodes. on two of my shots, a pinhole blew out of the back of the primers (at 54.6gr and 55.2 gr). I have heard years ago Winchester had quality issues that resulted in something like this. Could this be caused by that or something wrong with my load. (These primers are pretty old!). Note I stopped at 55.0gr which gave a max velocity of 3,071 ft/sec.
Lastly, is my freshly fluted Bolt ok??!! It has 4 small dimples in it now!