Hello from WY and CO


Jul 9, 2023
Hi All - I split my time between northern Colorado (80%) and northern Wyoming (20%). I grew up hunting WY deer, moved to mostly upland birds in my mid-20s and early 30s, and now I'm slowly shifting my focus to bigger game again.

I've been buying WY points for 5-6 years and intend to keep buying them for another 5-6 before I cash them in on a few good hunts. In the meantime I've been hunting CO for the past three years. Last year I harvested a CO cow elk and drew another CO cow tag this year. I've been skunked on deer in CO, but I did draw a WY deer tag this year.

I am exclusively a meat/experience hunter and not interested in big trophies. I eat what I kill, but I especially enjoy getting out. For employment, I work a pretty intense desk job (oxymoron?), so I try to spend my free time outdoors.

Most of my knowledge and hunting expertise comes from hunting with my pops, who hung up his boots 10-12 years ago and with whom I never hunted elk. Most of his knowledge was the very classic "start at 4am, get to the top of the ridge, walk-walk-walk" advise. It's all great stuff, but I am interested in learning a little more about modern tactics and approaches. For instance, I did a gut-in clean/quarter of the elk I harvested last year. That was completely new to me and I can see the merit to it. It was a great learning experience and I hope to pick up more "modern" techniques.

I'll still follow my dog around WY, KS, ND/SD, and WI to chase birds, but I'm joining to learn more about the bigger guys.

I look forward to learning/sharing and being a part of the community.


WKR & Chairman of the Rokslide Welcoming Committee
Classified Approved
Feb 2, 2020
Scottsdale, AZ
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.
