How is hunting in Southern California? There are draw opportunities, but I haven’t put in for them. Southern California doesn’t seem like hunting and hunters are tolerated. How are the duck clubs down there?
There are not many duck clubs down here, it is mostly refuge hunting, and not worth being up all night long. I gave up on waterfowl in southern Ca years ago. Deer and pig hunting can be good, if you really know your chit, But it is work, lots of work. Northern Ca is way way better. So for hunting sake, be happy your are in Northern Ca.
Do you guys get the feeling that there are lots of places to hunt in California, with relatively low hunter levels, but not a high number of game animals around?
I'm from Sacramento too! Never been duck hunting though... Haven't had a chance to figure out the reservation system at Yolo Bypass... apparently you have to wait in line at like 3am?