Hello from BC

Jul 19, 2021
Hi there,

Thanks for having me here. I’m primarily addicted to hunting mule deer and sheep but also have some experience hunting other tasty critters. I look forward to being a positive contributor. Happy hunting everyone.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.

Where in BC are you from? I hunt mainly sheep, elk, goat and moose but cant wait to try for november mule deer one day in the interior.
Welcome, have family on spouses side in Alberta.
Hearty Howdy to fellow BC hunters and of course the fantastic Rokslde fraternity!!

I chase mule deer primarily and island blacktails. Though I do spice it up and hunt whitetail too.

Love sneaking high timber for mature bucks, so far they school me most seasons!