Hello from another DIY fan!!


Apr 6, 2015
Hey everyone! Long time DIY Elk hunter here. Some of you might know me under another screen name on a few other sites (25Contender)Though I am from the East Coast that shouldn't fool you, my passion has been Elk hunting in Montana since my first Archery Elk hunt back in the late 1980s. (I'm telling my age here!) This past year was my 22nd Archery Elk season in Montana, all DIY trips and about half of those seasons have been solo trips. I laid off for a few years do to the death of a great hunting partner of 15 years but decided that he would have wanted me to keep up the tradition we started many years ago. So before I turned 50 I made a decision to make a change in my life. I had packed on 20 un-needed-unwanted pounds and needed to have a few things fixed. I headed to the Doc and started those repairs. I had a few minor surgeries to fix a few medical issues then started getting back in shape. It took a hard year and a half of work but finally was to the point where I actually felt better and more confidant than I did in my early 40s.
This is where this site and a few other sites came in handy. Most of my gear was outdated and needed some help getting up to date. I did a lot of research and started to update almost everything. I contacted a few members on a few different sites and started the gear update. Once that was done I really never looked back and have continued on my excursions. Hopefully I can share a few things that I have learned and experienced over the past 30 or so years. As for me I have already gained some insight and great information from some of the younger guys on these forums. Mark


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Kun Lunn, Iceland
Welcome Mark! Good to have another elk hunter on the site who recalls hunting in the 80's...


Apr 6, 2015
Hey thanks everyone looking forward to being a part of your forum. Hopefully I can share a few things that I have learned over the years. Mark


Apr 6, 2015
Yea it really doesn't seem that long ago. I look back at some of the older photos and wonder how we did it back then. Really no internet to speak of at least not even close to today's internet. It was always boots on the ground with lots of blisters and cotton socks. Oh yea I remember those days. Sears tents,Colman stoves.35mm cameras and what was a cell phone!! I just laugh at it all now.
Welcome Mark! Good to have another elk hunter on the site who recalls hunting in the 80's...