Do you have any glue on ?
Great Idea Bill.
I shoot 150's in 2 and 3 blade and after holding a 150g in my hand.....I can't believe I ever shot a 100gr BH. The 100grainers just look flimsy. The working end of your arrow is pretty important....why not have more steel in your BH? The higher in weight you go...the more limited the market. One of your competitors makes a 600gr BH...I snicker at that many do they sell....a dozen a year? If I were you, I would do a 150g and maybe a 200g and be done. Plenty of steel in both of those...and if a guy does get all wrapped up in EFOC they can pop a 50,75 or 100g insert in there.
A lot of archers don't understand that bumping up their BH weight puts them in an underspined condition creating tuning problems. Then you have limitations to arrow spine....put a 300gr BH on an Axis 300 and its close to underspined in the avg compound. Sure you can go up to 260 spine....but thats pretty much the limit unless you want to go to some exotic Shafts....again, limited market.
My guess is a lot of guys will be resistant to changing from the box store 100gr mentality. They will need to be educated bro- grin. Post pics of the 150's side by side with the 100g heads- its illustrative. I think if a guy handles and uses a 150g head....they would not go back to