Has your boned out carcass ever made it on Meat Eater?

That's a cool story. I remember watching the show and thinking, 'some guy is going to see the show, recognize it, and he's going to be some 260 lb gorilla.'

Cool guy, great show.

So, was it "a cool place to kill a buck?"
That's great! I checked out the video on the attached Meateater link. I noticed Steve Rinella's hat as being from a local company here in Idaho. Then his guide pops out and I realize the guide is my cousins husband! Pretty funny. Shows how small our world can be.
Awesome story man!! Big fan of his show. Nice buck too! It's by far more about the hunt then the rack
I remember that show too. It always makes me laugh when Steve says stuff like that. He just says it like it is out there doing battle in the woods, and makes it a little more real.
When I first saw an episode I was pretty shocked. He looks just like my partner Hawker. I sent Steve a picture of him. He replied with a funny response about filling in for him at home since he's gone so much , minus a few things, lol.

I read his book and he grew up merely miles from Hawker hunting and fishing the same spots. His stories of his family reminded me so much of the other I swore that they were related.