Has anyone hunted unit 55 in colorado?

You need atleast 1 point as a non res to have a 33% chance of drawing that tag. No one pulled it with 0 points atleast in 2011
prior to the winter kill of 07/08, that was one of the best units for really big deer. I did a few scouting packages down there in 2004 and was absolutely shocked at the number of great deer.

That hard winter changed all that, but it's had enough time to heal up that there are some good ones now. Remember, I'm always biased toward areas with great deer, so I don't stress much about population changes and other stats so much.

What has changed down there is the amount of archery pressure (a lot of Colorado is that way), so you likely won't be alone. However, if a guy had a 3-5 years to dedicate to learning the area, you could do really well. Beyond just the general info I'm giving and what you're likely to get on the forums everywhere, a trip over there to scout, or a really trusted hunting buddy would be what I'd be trying to do for that unit or any of them.

During archery, most of the bucks will be at and above timberline, so lots of glassing and probably at least a few miles in and up will be your recipe.
No, it's not my spot but it's getting more and more crowded every year. Jordan might be pretty dissappointed. I agree it's a famous basin after the Eastman's shows with that peak in the background.
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I wouldn't get mad at Aron maybe eastmans or david long for posting pics and putting one of the most photographed peaks in Colorado in the background. That is the biggest reason it is getting crowded.
The ease at which information is obtained is sickening. The Internet, magazines, tag pimps, google earth and smartphones have dramatically changed public land hunting over the years. There are simply no secrets anymore.

What happened to the thread on Rokslide prostaff selling scouting packages?
I hunted 55 in 2011. Phenomenal deer country and I saw some small 140-150ish bucks, but imo it still has a few years to go to even get close to being back to where it was previously.
Just like anything, its the effort you put in. Ive hunted it successfully but have not seen the quality people rave about. Id love to know more about it. Its absolutely full of people on recreation weekends. Every trip, I encountered hikers, 4 wheelers, etc at some point, even many miles from the trail head. I had a heard get spooked by hikers and their dog and have also talked to some backpackers going into my planned areas with lots of beer and speakers. With so many towns nearby and the history of the unit, theres just always people. Many areas basins did hold deer up high but I doubt I saw more than 2 over 165/170 with 2 summers of scouting and 2 seasons of hunting.
Fravert Basin is not in GMU 55

No, it's not my spot but it's getting more and more crowded every year. Jordan might be pretty dissappointed. I agree it's a famous basin after the Eastman's shows with that peak in the background.

The Colorado Hunting digital Atlas GMU for Fravert Basin is 43. It amazes me that people never get facts right.

FYI, Colorado bucks impacted by 2007/08 winter have had 7 years to recover. the genetics never left the country. Those who study, prepare and dedicate themselves to hunting timberline will have a wonderful surprise this fall in Colorado.
People want to know before they go. Anywhere in the world is now readily available to explore digitally thus enhancing the opportunity to be there on the ground. IMO, Hunting is and always will be an experience that is more than a harvest. My shots may take years or months to complete. It takes slightly less than a second for my bullet to kill. Everything up to that point is hunting. The last second is a punctuation mark on a world class experience, adventure, in some of the remotest, extraordinary, pristine, scenery on planet earth.
You couldn't pay me to hunt 55. I don't like seeing 1 other hunter. Let alone 1500 in 55. Half of them on ATV's.