Hanwag Yukon or Lowa Renegade


Jan 11, 2025
I'm shopping for some boots for mostly whitetail hunting in Iowa maybe a possible trip elk hunting out west. I'm kind of tore between the Hanwag Yukons and the Lowa Renegade GTX boots in my budget. I typically wear a 13W and have fairly flat feet. Has anyone had both to compare? Is there benefits of the goretex or leather lined boot? Is one more waterproof than the other? How is the toe room in either one?

Thank you,
Those two boots are opposites

Yukon is more robust, stiffer sole, Less seams and thicker leather. Advantage to leather lined is foot moisture as it breathes much better then waterproof laminate bootie. Down side is not as water proof and requires more maintenance to be more water resistant.

Yukon will last you years, renegade while it breaks in exponentially quicker just isn’t built as a long term use boot.
I appreciate the reply. I was personally leaning towards the Renegade based on better waterproof feature. I also dont have overly wild, rocky, steep terrain to handle where i typically hunt. I figured I'd try them out as a benchmark boot for me.
I bought my GS a pair of Renegade for Upland Hunting same size as you, he has wide feet but 13s did work.
He liked them.
I appreciate the reply. I was personally leaning towards the Renegade based on better waterproof feature. I also dont have overly wild, rocky, steep terrain to handle where i typically hunt. I figured I'd try them out as a benchmark boot for me.
The Hanwag Alaska is the water proof membrane version of the Yukon FWIW. My Yukon’s are one 3rd resole, every year I think it’s their last but they hang in there.
The renegade is a pretty soft soled boot and the seams (especially at the toe) will eventually fail.

I have not used Hanwag.

The renegade will probably be more comfortable right out of the box but will not last as long.

Check out the Lowa ranger. It's probably a mod-point between the two and retailers have had the old style (III) on steep discounts.
I did see the Alaska and the Ranger boots. I just wasn't sure how stiff they were particularly. Like I said, this is kind of my first set of hunting boots outside of rubber boots for whitetail treestand hunting. I opted for the Renegades as a starting point for some of my summer scouting and early season boots.
I dont have both. But my brother has the Yukon and my wife has the renegades,
The Yukon is a much stouter boot. Much stiffer if that is what your looking for. I personally like a stiff boot and have had the Lowa Tibets for 4 years.