Handgun while archery hunting?

I debate bringing a multi tool vs a folding knife weight wise. I couldn't imagine lugging a hand gun in the backcountry.

I was a park ranger for the BLM for years surrounding a big desert metro area. We found bodies from MS-13, but I still never wished I had a gun. The scariest people were the 3% militia dudes tactical Tom set up with body armor in the mini vans.
I will be ordering a venandi holster that attaches to the back of my bino harness. Might be something to look into
I debate bringing a multi tool vs a folding knife weight wise. I couldn't imagine lugging a hand gun in the backcountry.

I was a park ranger for the BLM for years surrounding a big desert metro area. We found bodies from MS-13, but I still never wished I had a gun. The scariest people were the 3% militia dudes tactical Tom set up with body armor in the mini vans.

It used to be not legal in many areas....now with pot growers on public land, etc- heck I ran into a mentally ill dude his family had plopped down in a trailer out in Timbuktu Nevada that was following me around with a big knife.
I was in Southern AZ many years ago and the Border patrol and USFW Agents told me I was stupid for not packing a pistol- even though it was illegal at the time.

Seems the game debts have come to their senses on a backup pistol.

I get it...a lot of guys packing pistols that shouldn't be. They have rarely fired it...and many never practice proper draw and shoot technique.

It stands to reason, THE most effective weapon is one you have trained with and know it well. These days, with dry fire and the laser bullets...there is no reason not to be good with a pistol.
We can't have a handgun while hunting in Alberta. I carry bear spray if I'm in bear country. There is a YouTube vid comparing how quick bear spray is to a handgun.
Yes, quite a bit of the time.


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We can't have a handgun while hunting in Alberta. I carry bear spray if I'm in bear country. There is a YouTube vid comparing how quick bear spray is to a handgun
I’d be curious to see it. I’ll always choose a gun where possible, but if I hunt an area where that’s not legal or possible, I’d definitely like to see how guys are deploying spray rapidly.

A common standard for handgun shooters is first round on target, from the holster, in less than 1.5 seconds. Sub 1 second is possible for well practiced shooters. Hard to see spray being meaningfully faster, and, even if you get spray on an aggressive animal in less than a second, it may or may not immediately deter the animal. With a handgun, you have a chance of hitting CNS and switching off all motor function in an instant.
I even carry during rifle season. I live in grizz country.
The time I am the happiest to have mine is during black bear rifle season. I would rather have 17 shots with a 9 mm Glock that is easy to maneuver when looking to recover a bear in the thick stuff.
Always have one with me when hunting. Kenai chest holster for a few of my handguns when hunting and if I carry the small 9mm Sig P365 I sometimes carry it in a kydex pocket holster and carry in my hunting pant right from pocket.
While it is a pain in the ass, I pretty much always carry a Springfield XDM Elite 10mm when I’m hunting/scouting. About half my hunting is in thick griz country, but I carry it even when I’m hunting where I’d be surprised to see one. It just adds a layer of security that I prefer.

I carry it in a razco holster on the hip strap of my pack. Now this is something I might reconsider. I’d like to try it on my chest rig. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

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I always carry when in the woods which is everyday. When I bow hunt I carry a S&W 329 4” 44mag in a Razco holster attached to my AGC bino harness. I do carry other handguns but that’s my main carry pistol when hunting or backpacking. Been carrying it for 10 years here in Montana and when I lived in Alaska.
A couple buddies have the SW 329 PD, it's a nice pistol.

First time I felt one I thought it was a toy....as I was used to my SW629 Classic stainless. The 329 is sooooo much lighter.

its snappy but not unmanageable.I like shooting it.
My one buddy hand loads 300g hardcast and it's worth noting you have to crimp those well due to the high recoil as he and others I know of have had the bullets on the 5th cylinder move and jamb the cylinder- keep it from turning.
I debate bringing a multi tool vs a folding knife weight wise. I couldn't imagine lugging a hand gun in the backcountry.

I was a park ranger for the BLM for years surrounding a big desert metro area. We found bodies from MS-13, but I still never wished I had a gun. The scariest people were the 3% militia dudes tactical Tom set up with body armor in the mini vans.
Maybe if someone took care of the MS-13 the Toms wouldn't have to be tactical.
Yeah I agree the recoil can be a bit much for most folks. One thing I did was took the grips off my .500 as they have a gel strip in the back strap of the grip and that helped a lot. I shoot a lot of big bore so recoil doesn’t bother me and I agree if you reload then crimp is critical. I always use a Lee factory crimp die and put enough crimp that if you look down at the bullet that you cannot see the edge of the brass so that it bites into the bullet, also if you run you fingernail down the bullet to the brass you don’t feel much or any of a transition just smooth. That heavy of crimp can save you bacon on a lever action as well.