Has anybody had either the Sitka Hudson muff and marsupial muff? Looking to try and keep my hands a little warmer in the tree stand as well as the duck blind and these two I’ve kinda narrowed it down to, and looking for any opinions. Thanks.
I have the Sitka Incinerator and the Marsupial. The Sitka is quiet a bit warmer, but much, much bulkier. I use the Marsupial for archery season, and the Sitka for everything later than that. I get chilblains on my fingers pretty bad, for the colder weather the bulk of the Sitka is worth it for me. That said, I probably get more use out of the Marsupial.
I bought and sold a few. Landed on FHF. It is good for me in the north east though most newer bibs have some pretty solid hand warmer pockets so I dont tend to carry it as much as I used to.
I have the Sitka Incinerator. No need for hand warmers, even in the coldest weather, just a thin glove works for me and I run cold. A single hand warmer is way more than enough in that thing if you choose to use one.