Hair loss from saddle


Feb 6, 2018
So this past year I started riding one of my grandpas newer horses that he has had for a couple years. Pretty quickly he became my favorite and I ended up riding him most weekends through July-October. During that time he had a bit of hair loss which made it hard to keep the saddle from slipping no matter what blankets we used.
My grandpa had never had that problem with him in years past, but he also wouldn’t typically ride half as often as I do.
So my question is this. Is this something with the horses hair/skin that’s likely going to happen every year if I keep riding him a lot? Are there ways to prevent or care for it (other than not riding)? Will his hair “toughen up” and eventually not be an issue?
Something is not fitting. Most likely the saddle. Where was the hair rubbing off? Withers? Along the spine? Where the cinch goes?
After a good ride, what do the sweat marks from the saddle look like? Any dry spots?
I am going to have to look next time I ride him. I know I sound like a negligent idiot reading this online but it happened pretty gradually and he is already thin haired as it is so I didn’t really notice anything until it was too late. We have tried different pads on him, so maybe a shorter saddle that does not push back towards his hip bones as much?
the saddle likely doesn't fit. take it to a good saddle guy maybe it can be modified. I ride a lot of mules in horse saddles that don't really fit the mules. There is a pad maker called Skito this pad has been quite a game changer for me in helping ill-fitting saddles fit better. People often overlook the value of a good pad. I know I did for most of my life.