Gunnison Area Housing


Jul 20, 2018
In the early planning stages, but I might be temporarily relocating to the Gunnison area for a work project. Any advice on long term rentals, good areas to live, places to avoid, etc?
I don’t think there is a bad part of town, but I only spend a little time there.

Lots of college kids and Butte commuters. And cold, bone chilling cold. -3 this morning. Find a place with a garage.

Someone local might chime in with some real help.
I went to college at Western, there has been a lot more housing built since I lived there, but the big thing I remember, is there are a few slumlords that rent to the college kids. Their places are pretty run down, so they are easy to spot, but they were pretty bad about maintenance, etc. Second the thought on a garage, and look for a place with a woodstove, and avoid the electric baseboards, they get crazy expensive to run when its -10. I rented from Stratman Land and Homes, if Sandra is still there, she was always a very reasonable landlord, and had a lot of the row homes, townhomes, etc. in town that were nice and well taken care of. CB South was nice to live in, if you don't mind the commute down valley, which is only about 20 minutes. Try to find a place in the early summer, after the college kids leave, you will have a much better selection. Avoid the fall, it's a scramble as the kids get there, and the ski bums roll in for the winter and scoop everything with a roof up.
There's a housing shortage in Gunnison. Assuming that you'd be renting. Not sure what your budget is, but even the most run down looking places are expensive. There is relief with more inventory being built, but that likely won't bring prices down.

Like others said, winters in Gunny are brutally cold. I think it's a great town though.
Just a suggestion, but if you have access to one pull an RV there.. There is some awesome camping/fishing in the area and you can avoid the cost of the super expensive short term housing. I have a really good friend who has a super place in Crested Butte, but it would be way too expensive..
As above.
Get living situation sorted well before. Limited options and rent will likely be expensive.

It’s in the marrow of the world though