Gun for Elk Hunting in Thick Timber

Saw the browning suggestions browsing around too. Also can’t remember the name but Sig has a .308 AR-10 style that would be sweet to build out. But then I’d just feel like I’m moving away from hunting guns to combat arms lol. I just gotta keep telling myself the vanguard will get the job done, no sense in spending money on guns until I actually even find an elk in the woods

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1000% your current rifle will. If it were me and I wanted something to help with timber hunting, I’d look at a 2-10 type scope although as others have mentioned 1-2 power on the low end won’t matter much to be honest
Please don't take this as possible criticism, as that is NOT how it's intended...

If this was your first elk hunt, it might be a little early in the process to start thinking about taking shots on a moving target through the woods. Very typical to have a bunch of elk moving at once, which makes picking and staying on your intended target in the trees pretty challenging. And you heard multiple shots while you were hunting...there is always a chance another hunter could be on the same group of elk from a different direction.

Could be that I'm just overly cautious, I have tried to avoid moving shots at big game whenever possible, and doubt I would venture to take a moving shot in the woods. Other people's methods may vary, and that's fine. Best of luck out there.
Don't know how much you've handled an AR10 but for me it felt awkward. I'm very used to the small frame AR and it was like holding a fat girl in Jr high gym class. I built one thinking it would be just the ticket. I used it one season, for one deer, and sold it. I decided to drop the first one i saw so wasn't picky, but it worked fine. Screenshot_20230309-124901_Messenger.jpg
A lot of my buddies in Idaho hunt elk deer & bear in heavy timber, most of their shots are under 100 yards some less than 50. They swear by a lever action in 45/70 or 444, also have friends that have gone to the 450 Bushmaster faster more energy and faster follow up shots on running critters
Be careful, they'll hear you!
If you're looking for a semi auto but don't want an ar, you could always try a Remington 7400,742,7500 or something in that line. Semiautomatic, calibers such as 30-06, 308 and 35 whelen. Also, was your 3x15 ffp or sfp? With ffp scopes like that, you could run a piggyback dot if the reticle is too small for you at 3x.
Have a Remington 673 in 300 saum with a Leupold 3.5-10x 40 that points like a shotgun and hits like a hammer.
Never taken a shot at a moving elk, but this rifle would be my pick.
I live in an are where elk tags are general over the counter. I don't travel and can hunt them within 1mile from my front door. I generally hunt thick timber, but there is oil field cutlines as well as ag land. I have shot elk with lots of different rifles/ chamberings. First off I prefer carbine length long guns for this type of hunting and low powered scopes but a 2x10, 3x9, 4x12, 5x15 would all work as longvas you can shoot it like pointing a finger.. I like shoulder shots to limit how far they run after getting hit. Imo higher velocity damages too much meat! ( i am primarily a meat hunter so this is an important factor for me) my main rifles for this are:
Marlin 45/70 16" barrel peep sights but also sometimes run a tr25 on the rail.

1903 sporter 30-06 22" barrel with a fixed 4 k4. I run 200 gr eldx at 2400fps

Husky 98 mauser 9.3x62 20" barrel with a fixed 4 k4.

I have a bunch of other rifles that get used but these three are my main go toos.
If ranges are sub 200 the 45-70 is my first choice but if there is a 3-400 yd possibility the 30-06 or 9.3 go.

If I was you though I'd run a 2x12 range scope on a rifle that you handle well and practice your off hand shooting.
Why is a 3x scope on a bolt 30-06 an issue in the timber?

Buy a couple of cases of ammo and go practice some offhand shots. That's the only right answer here. A new gun will not solve the issue. Practice solves this issue.
He's saying an FFP reticle at low power is harder to see (gets smaller/finer) at 3x. The reticle is in front of the magnification therefore grows and shrinks as you dial up or dial down the magnification.
Ideally for me my current 3-15 swfa on the 338 will be replaced with a 1-8 lpvo ffp illuminated nightforce. That will be the ultimate spitting distance to 600 yard kill whatever I want rig for me.