Lately it has come to the attention of several moderators on here that the posting of threads in the "General Forum" which are not suitable for the "General Forum" and are more suitable for the other forums such as "Elk Hunting", "Mule Deer", "Clothing", or "Gear" forums (for example) are becoming increased and the moderators and owners of the site are spending more time moving threads to their proper forum than working on our awesome reviews and being able to police the entire forum.
PLEASE, if you are contemplating posting in the General Forum, and the title of your thread or the body of the post is dicussing "Elk, Mule Deer, etc." please post that thread in the correct Hunting Forum under the correct species.
If your thread is regarding Garmin, maps, GPS, Onx, Basemap etc. (this one seems to be the one i move most) please post it in the "Trail Camera/GPS/Mapping Forum"
If your thread is discussing Firearm Calibers, or "whats the best caliber for this, that and the other", please post in the Firearms Forum.
If your thread is discussing Broad-heads, Arrows, Archery Sights, Crossbows, Cams, etc please post in the Archery Forum, like wise if any of these apply to Traditional Archery then post in the Traditional Archery Forum, however do not post about crossbows, or "wheeled bows" in the traditional archery forum
If your thread is discussing tents, sleeping bags, bivy sacks, hammocks, etc. please post that thread in the "Sleeping Systems" forum
Are you discussing, Merino Wool, Kryptek, Kuiu, First Lite, cotton t shirts, Merino Wool thongs (Ryan's favorite) please post in the "Clothing" forum
and so on and so forth....i don think I have to give examples for every forum etc.
This will help us out immensely and also help the members here out as well, when people are researching hunts, gear, and the like, they can go to the specific forums for whatever they are researching and most likely find several threads on what they are looking for fairly quick.
Please follow these guidelines, if people do not, we will be forced to begin deleting these threads instead of moving them.
If you do have a question as to what specific forum your thread would go under, feel free to ask here and we will direct you as best we can. We do realize there are threads that do not categorize into specific forums, and that is what the General Forum is suppose to be for.