Grouse in Arizona?

Young blue/dusky grouse are fine eating and very light meat like a ruff. Big old males are likely pretty tough (they make OK cacciatore).

Spruce grouse are dark meat like a sharptail (or ptarmigan) but worse tasting in my opinion....also far dumber than blues or ruffs. I try to avoid shooting any of them.
Yeah there are grouse in AZ. I haven't seen too many of them in my time, but a few years ago I did see a blue grouse up near Hawley Lake.

Pretty cool considering it was in full strut.
They are in a couple places, mostly higher up in elevation. I have seen them a couple times in San Fran peaks area. Game and Fish website has a listing of areas.
Any Grouse in Arizona?
We do have grouse in AZ. I have hunted them many times and have gotten my daily limit of 3 grouse many many times. I don't hunt with a dog. I drive and walk a lot. Both 12A east & west have grouse. This is where I've hunted them the most. I have used 20 and 12 gauge with 6 shot.
I would be willing to trade you info about grouse if you got info I want or need.
Remember it is doable and a lot of fun. Don't listen to neigh sayer's, you can do it.
I am trying to figure out how to hunt White-Tailed Ptarmigan in the Uinta Mountains. Learning about it is 25% of the fun.