Group buy: AGS Annealer

Which model? All come with full kit, including inserts.

  • 3.0 taller model (.223-.338 lapua)

    Votes: 48 96.0%
  • 3.1 Cheytac model (.223 to Cheytac)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Extra torch holder

    Votes: 25 50.0%
  • Extra inserts

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • I will preorder.

    Votes: 36 72.0%
  • I will pay when they come in.

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Temiplaq 750 (end anneal)

    Votes: 12 24.0%
  • Tempilaq 450 (begin anneal)

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Sorry if this has been covered already but what is the need for extra inserts? I’ll use it for 223-300win. I’m happy to get extra inserts if needed. Thanks.

Thanks for doing this. I’ve been borrowing a friends bench source for years and while he doesn’t care I need my own.
Sorry if this has been covered already but what is the need for extra inserts? I’ll use it for 223-300win. I’m happy to get extra inserts if needed. Thanks.

Thanks for doing this. I’ve been borrowing a friends bench source for years and while he doesn’t care I need my own.
I think you'll want the 3.0 option, that comes with inserts for 223 case heads, 308, and magnum. Without inserts you can do 338.

I'm interested to see someone adapt an induction heat gun onto one of these somehow. Not sure it's really necessary since it seems like you could really dial it in with the speed setting and tempilaq. But it would be a cool diy project for someone with a 3d printer and skills.
Sorry if this has been covered already but what is the need for extra inserts? I’ll use it for 223-300win. I’m happy to get extra inserts if needed. Thanks.

Thanks for doing this. I’ve been borrowing a friends bench source for years and while he doesn’t care I need my own.
You don't need extra inserts. It comes with inserts for .223, 308/30-06, long/short mag, and lapua mag.

I am verifying if we can use the 308 for Grendel/ARC cases.
You guys will be happy, I bought one 3 years ago. Great machine. the only thing I did was raise the platform so the 6.5 prc would drop into a pan. no issues at all. came with all the inserts. Only thing I needed was the power supply. Amazon couple of bucks.
You guys will be happy, I bought one 3 years ago. Great machine. the only thing I did was raise the platform so the 6.5 prc would drop into a pan. no issues at all. came with all the inserts. Only thing I needed was the power supply. Amazon couple of bucks.
I think that among improvements, this version is taller to allow brass to drop more easily.

Thanks for the feedback! Everything I have seen was positive, but its good to hear from a fellow Rokslider.
I think that among improvements, this version is taller to allow brass to drop more easily.

Thanks for the feedback! Everything I have seen was positive, but its good to hear from a fellow Rokslider.
How about offering a bottle of tempilaq as an add on?
What is the ETA on things being in your hands and then shipped? Again, thank you for doing this!
I know he can ship the first order right away, I am confirming how many he has in stock and lead time for production. As of right now, I am expecting to order up to 50 units. There are already 34 commitments between pre-pay and promise to pay. I honestly didn't expect this many, but I am happy to get these out there at a discount.

Before I list the pre-pay link online, I will get a commitment from AGS on the units in stock ready to ship to me.

If it is in stock, I anticipate/hope it will be in your hands inside 3-4 weeks from the time you pay, depending on shipping time of course.

I am paying the invoice for well over $6,000 worth of annealers/accessories with my own money to start the flow of product immediately. Once I get pre-order payments started over the next few days, I will order everything else that I need by Wednesday of next week to cover all pre-orders, wait to pay orders, and a few for the online store. I have an invoice ready to pay for another $3-5,000 of product just as soon as the pre-order money hits my account.

I don't like pre-orders, they always have the potential to go sideways, but I am confident enough to front my money. And, I don't like the stress of it, so I'll ship just as soon as I get the product.

I am happy with the number of orders, and it is helping me get them in my store, but its crunching cash flow to buy this many...
I am actually looking at sources to get the tempilaq we need at wholesale...

At the very least, I was going to post links to the tempilaq and torches to buy.
Sounds awesome! Obviously it would be a nice add on so we didn’t have to pay additional shipping.
Sounds awesome! Obviously it would be a nice add on so we didn’t have to pay additional shipping.
YOU CAN NOW ADD TEMPILAQ TO YOUR ORDER- I found a source that so that I can order in quantity. I can ship 450 and 750 Tempilaq with your annealer. I can also get other temperatures, but you'll have to be the "special one".

$39 per bottle, which 99 cents less than what Brownells is charging and you save shipping.

To get the right number for my order, please go and update your vote in the poll for 450 and/or 750 degree Tempilaq bottles.

How to choose and use tempilaq? Paint it on the case, and when it melts you have hit the temp.
Do I "need" Tempilaq? No, if you want to follow the "lights out and burn till it glows red" method.

The 450 is unnecessary, but it is about 30 degrees lower than the beginning of the annealing temp for brass. If it hasn't melted, you know there is no annealing. You can paint it on the neck to know when annealing starts, and you can paint it down the case body to confirm you have not allowed heat to travel down the neck and soften the body/shoulder, which you do not want to do.

The 750 is necessary to paint on the inside of the neck to know that you have hit the temperature to properly set flame and time during set up. You can heat above 750 without ruining the brass, but make sure the case drops. It is best to start fast, and slowly increase the speed until you get the melt and stop there. You can run brass through the annealing process without "over annealing" or damaging the brass.

Here is a good article for reference.

I confirmed that my anticipated orders of 50 total units will be shipped on or before Feb 7 by the manufacturer. Some units are done and some are in production to be completed. Add a week or two for comfort... After that it is transit time and repackaging here at my shop to ship.
In for a 3.0 and I will prepay.

Thank you for putting this together. I knew I'd been dragging my feet for a reason.

Whenever the link comes online I will pay.