Time to poke the bear (pun intended)
Lots of arrogance on full display.
Take the average human and the average grizzly bear. The human is not the apex predator in this comparison.
Now some WKRs will be the exception. You can recognize these "elite" individuals by their sheer vegan-like arrogance. Without even asking, they will tell you just how superior they are and how bad ass they are when it comes to instilling fear into all animals. If they were 1/10 as bad ass as they claim to be, then there's zero threat from grizzly bears, mountain lions, etc. by just them being in an area. And being the world class business people they also claim to be (see plenty of other threads), they can start a hiker/camper/climber/hunter protection business. For a modest fee, they will show up and all the evil creatures will either run away in fear or sit pretty so folks can pet them, photograph them, etc; basically whatever the bad ass WKR tells the animal to do.
Sad that folks are actually talking about using SSS on a federally protected species. If a person doesn't like a specific law/ruling/regulation, work the process and get it changed. It is also interesting the moderators are actually allowing the discussion of violating federal law to even occur.
All the doom and gloom about grizzly bears. Add up the associated maulings and killings over a single year. That number still would be a slow night compared to the very real and far more common threats commonly found across all of the utopian metropolitan centers in the Lower 48.