Hey all, joined yesterday. Ive been reading thru alot of threads while waiting for my approval to come thru. I must say, there are some amazing hunters and storys on here! I am from NC and have hunted the west every year since 2001. I can tell I know nearly nothing compared to alot of you on here. I have been on 5 archery elk hunts and have taken two bulls. One in CO and the other in ID. The CO hunt was fully guided on private ground near Trinidad. The ID hunt we were setup with a drop camp and horses in the Selway Bitterroot. This was a very hard hunt, even tho we both shot bulls on day 3. It was complete murder to get them out of the canyon and back to camp! I mostly have just hunted private land for muleys along with whitetails. Typically Wyoming ,Colorado and Nebraska. This year i will doing a DIY 8 day bivy hunt in CO the 3rd week of Sept. Ill be hunting with a buddy of mine from CA. Ive been thru my gear list 50 times already and still weeding out things i think i can do without. Im looking forward to reading more threads from yall that do this all the time!