Going to a flip phone…

Good luck. I have kids and the don’t call. They barely text. Plus all their activities coordinate through text and FB. In another 10 years, your phone will be your wallet.
We went through periods with all the kids where wife could only get a hold of one of them on Snapchat, others didn't use that so other one could only get a hold of him on Instagram, and last one was only Twitch or something like that. Damn kids couldn't even coordinate on an app to use lol.
Guess I'm kinda ol school. I have a flip phone. I tried a computer phone but I would destroy them out in the bush. And I still use 2 compasses. 2 because I can convince myself that it is wrong. And I'll admit to frequently getting lost while I the bush. My kids did buy me a Garmin 62st but I don't know how to use it.
Yah know. Sometimes just a compass is kinda nice. And going out where there isn't very good phone reception isn't bad either
Guess I'm kinda ol school. I have a flip phone. I tried a computer phone but I would destroy them out in the bush. And I still use 2 compasses. 2 because I can convince myself that it is wrong. And I'll admit to frequently getting lost while I the bush. My kids did buy me a Garmin 62st but I don't know how to use it.
Yah know. Sometimes just a compass is kinda nice. And going out where there isn't very good phone reception isn't bad either
A bit off topic, but I have been using a neoprene sleeve for my phone the last two years and no longer have issues with it getting destroyed in the woods. Sleeve sits in my pocket or bino harnes and protects as well as keeping debris out of the charging ports.
Thanks for all the responses. I will likely keep my current smartphone for offline onx use and use a flip phone for the day to day. Thanks!
What flip phone is compatible these days with 5G etc? I was told two years ago that I wouldn't be able to use my flip phone anymore because of that. The funny thing is, my Iphone crapped out on me last month when my battery expanded and almost burnt the whole thing up. So now I'm going through all my contacts on my old flip phone to add them back to my new Iphone.
I'm not very tech savvy.
But I think it has to be new enough to be on digital network?
Vs analog
I never have had a “smartphone”. I have a flip phone from Verizon. It is 4g. I have A Garmin Oregon and a Montana. I like the fact I can change out the batteries if needed.
I was the longest holdout with my flip phone at my agency and was ridiculed relentlessly for it!

OP-curious why? What are you trying to gain-or lose?
I have the Garmin 64s. Used it on my elk hunt in Sept. Right before leaving, I had problems updating my OnX chips. Sent OnX an email. Two days later, I had updated chips sent for free sitting in my mailbox. I'm keeping this as my "deep in the pack" backup in case everything else goes down.
I was the longest holdout with my flip phone at my agency and was ridiculed relentlessly for it!

OP-curious why? What are you trying to gain-or lose?
Just as a way to unplug. I hate feeling like a smart phone is another appendage that has to be with me. I use it for everything and feel dependent on it. I hate that. From my understanding, and I’m still researching this but the evidence seems abundant, that smartphones are destroying people’s ability to think critically and creatively. And people have a hard time with being bored or content just being. I’ve observed this in myself.

So in short, I want to go back to a dumb phone. I think life and society was better before smart phones. Convenience isn’t a blessing.
I was the longest holdout with my flip phone at my agency and was ridiculed relentlessly for it!

OP-curious why? What are you trying to gain-or lose?
Also, I will be the only one in my agency that does this and will be made fun of nonstop no doubt! Haha. Oh well, the older I get, the more I realize being different is a good thing. Society isn’t healthy.
SamsungZ Flip5....Yes its a smart phone...its the little things like texting or checking the weather or traffic that really sell smart phones for me. Ease of use. I love mine. Having it linked to my watch is a must for my ranch work. At a glance I can see who's calling or texting so I can respond when I choose without digging out my phone. My folks are in their 80's so I try to be semper paratus.

After a nasty divorce I went old school and got one of my old G'ZOnes back on line... It worked, but after not too long I hated it because I have to text a lot. Old flip phones suck for texting or checking the news. My hang up with old flip phones is a lot of them are too bulky to fit in my shirt or front pants pockets. This new Flip5 fits.-WW
Also, I will be the only one in my agency that does this and will be made fun of nonstop no doubt! Haha. Oh well, the older I get, the more I realize being different is a good thing. Society isn’t healthy.
Do it. They used to make fun of me at my agency. They all now know to leave me a message, or send a text, and the next time I am near my phone, I will return their call. IMO, we have created an expectation of constant contact and an expectation of response, and no one is left alone to do their job anymore.
OP-curious why? What are you trying to gain-or lose?
For me......I have to charge my Iphone every two days whether I use it or not. My flip phone holds a charge for two weeks even using it every day. But the best part is......I have full service in my elk camp or out hunting with the flip phone. The Iphone is useless up there.......even with the same provider (Verizon).
So for anyone else interested, I learned I can just make my iphone a dumb phone. You can go into screen time under settings. There, you can choose what apps you have access to. You can then set a password or have your spouse set a password so you cant just redownload or access apps under pressure.

So right now, my iphone is setup so that I can only access tools: calls, texts, maps, alarm clock etc. All internet apps or forms of entertainment have been removed and are blocked. Pretty slick.
Old post, but I figured I throw a plug in for the Light Phone. Allows podcast, directions, music, and voice to text, but its e-ink (like a Kindle). Much better tech than the Chinese-made flip phones. You can even tether your laptop to it if you need internet for a laptop