GoHunt Podcast with HOWL & CRWM


Jan 28, 2015
Anybody listen?

Hearing these guys talk convinced me to give them some $$$. Which, to me, was the most interesting part of this podcast. They mentioned they are fighting against these movements (anti's) that have millions and millions at their disposal for lawyers.

On the flip side, the hunting side has a lot more members in its favor and a lot of people with huge amounts of $$$. How the hell do these groups (like HOWL) not have more $$$ at their disposal? Are we really that cheap that we won't give $100 or $200 a year (one state of points) to help them fight? Even 10$ per hunter across the US end up being a pile of money. Just an interesting point that they made as well.
It was an interesting discussion they had and continues to shed light that if we don't keep up the fight the antis will keep taking one small win after another. Although as they noted our side does have wins too. Its good to have organizations like them and many others willing to help fight so I agree if funds is what they need it seems everyone should be able to chip in and have them do our bidding if we are not necessarily able to do it ourselves.
Writing off a large charitable contribution to HOWL and CRWM doesn’t get the subscribe button smashed like paying for a hunt that’ll ultimately be used for marketing. Everyone could do more, especially the profiteers. They’ve got the platforms to cultivate doing more. Just look at how well they got everyone to run around bugling every 400 yards or crawling around behind a strutter decoy. Imagine what ground we could gain if they really started using their platforms to show what it looks like to be responsible politically active advocates.

All of that takes money and action. Lip service doesn’t move the needle.

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Great podcast. I think the pro-hunting movement is early on but really starting to take shape. Particularly focused on anti-hunting efforts in CO, WA, and CA, but with nationwide support.
PNWild podcast has been trying to stoke that fire for a while now with Howl. Definetly recommend giving some of their episodes a listen.
They are a big proponent of being a a positive representation of a hunter and educating people around you. If you have time to be on a hunting forum then you have time to send an email supporting hunting and defending your way of life
On the flip side, the hunting side has a lot more members in its favor and a lot of people with huge amounts of $$$. How the hell do these groups (like HOWL) not have more $$$ at their disposal? Are we really that cheap that we won't give $100 or $200 a year (one state of points) to help them fight? Even 10$ per hunter across the US end up being a pile of money. Just an interesting point that they made as well.
Yes, hunters are cheap with their money & time when comes to volunteering & donating to groups like HOWL. I'd bet if there was a poll just on the 73,922 rokslide members that less than 10% donate their time or money to organizations like HOWL.
Yes, hunters are cheap with their money & time when comes to volunteering & donating to groups like HOWL. I'd bet if there was a poll just on the 73,922 rokslide members that less than 10% donate their time or money to organizations like HOWL.
I had no idea there were that many member here. 20$ a pop is ~$1.5 million.....
They are doing something similar. I believe it's $100 for everyone that signs up using the code 'CRWM' and on top of that, Lorenzo said he'll match the contribution.

Good on them. That’s the action we need.

EDIT: I signed up with the code. Really good on them for putting their money where their mouth is.

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I posted this under the Podcast for all of us. It’s awesome that they stepped up. Good to see hunters coming together and take a positive stand.
Unfortunately I think many people have no idea this is even happening on almost a daily basis. I know for certain if I asked my dad or a handful of other people if they are familiar with who HOWL or GO Hunt is or any of the current issues they would have no idea. It seems like its almost more of an issue with bringing awareness to people to help keep them informed. Another thing that is unfortunate is the issues or fights take lots of time to sift through all of the info and unless you dedicate a good part of your time to keeping up you can get lost. That's why its good to have these organizations speak on our behalf.
Unfortunately I think many people have no idea this is even happening on almost a daily basis. I know for certain if I asked my dad or a handful of other people if they are familiar with who HOWL or GO Hunt is or any of the current issues they would have no idea. It seems like its almost more of an issue with bringing awareness to people to help keep them informed. Another thing that is unfortunate is the issues or fights take lots of time to sift through all of the info and unless you dedicate a good part of your time to keeping up you can get lost. That's why its good to have these organizations speak on our behalf.
Now that you know, go to HOWL and speak up. Send the link to your dad and your people. Tell them to get on it. In the last 4 days hunters have gotten noticed in CO and that isn't an easy thing to do. You got till the end of today.

I do agree that organizations like HOWL and CRWM are our best opportunity to combat these issues as a unified group across state boundaries, however I was hoping they would dive a bit deeper when Trail asked how the common person can participate and how the donations help. I like to know how funds are allocated (% that goes to operating expenses vs. directly towards initiatives).

This is a generalization but I think hunters are typically the kind to keep to their own and not yell the loudest like a lot of the "antis" (of any topic) do. We're starting to realize that we're going to need to do that in order to keep our hunting rights.
Its a real shame a large influential supposedly pro hunting organization like BHA , which has millions of dollars, won't spent a cent to stop hunting seasons being eliminated
After the Go Hunt Podcast I joined Howl.
I think a lot of it is like they said its getting the info out there.
Most hunters out my way in the Midwest dont even know about anything like this that is going on it the west. You get around here and there are the NWTF banquets and some of my family is pretty heavy in those. But at the same time those family members dont do any hunting out west and cant seem to fathom the big picture of things that are happening.
I can because I am on here and want to hunt the west as much as I can.

If some of the large influencers got in on some of this it would make a huge difference. But its getting the info out there that is the hard part.
First off, every hunter should listen to that podcast. I think these are the first guys that have truly figured out how to fight the anti's and have the will to do so. Also, and even they have not figured this out, the target of all of this, whether it is eliminating trapping, lion and bear hunting, re-introducing wolves, or the BS with subsistence restrictions in Alaska, is the hunter. They want you off the landscape and more than that, the associated skills and mindset eliminated from the next generations. And they are playing the long game..

The people funding these efforts at the very top know this is the easiest way to disguise and accomplish these goals. They don't care about the wolves, lions, or bears or anything else related to the environment. That is why they want to get this and other items on a ballot, they know their scientific arguments don't hold water but they can play cute cuddly animal / evil hunter card with the public. The Colorado wolf naming contest is a great example of this, having middle school kids name them. Now when Aspen (one of the wolves) gets killed by some rancher or hunter how do you think the media will report it?