GoHunt App


Feb 9, 2023
Eastern WA
I was a gohunt insider for all of 2022. Like the guys who work there and occasionally they have great deals in their shop. I was very disappointed in the performance of their mapping app. It always took 1-2 minutes to update my GPS location when I opened the app and the offline mode did not work at all. Did anyone else have those problems? I didn't renew my membership because of this. Went back to OnX. I miss some of the perks of being a member.
I recently got a membership mainly for the hunt planner/draw odds part of it plus the gear shop, but the little bit I have played with there map program I haven't been too impressed. We will see how much I use it this year, but will probably plan on keeping my Basemap membership too.
I dont know what is about their mapping software I just can't get used to it, been trying for 3 yeats. Maybe its because I have been using onx since the chip days..
I have it and use it. It’s not great and I prefer Gaia gps. I do like their online mapping with the 3d maps. When I renewed around Christmas I called and asked if I could get the promo applied to my account and they were happy to do it. So I got $100 in points for my 150 on the renewal. I do like the gear store.
I used Go Hunt this fall and also used it in Mexico this January. I like it a lot and killed a deer in Colorado beacuse it worked so quickly. Lately it has been extra slow for me though. I don't know, It could be my phone but it has been a little frustrating.
I recently got a membership mainly for the hunt planner/draw odds part of it plus the gear shop, but the little bit I have played with there map program I haven't been too impressed. We will see how much I use it this year, but will probably plan on keeping my Basemap membership too.
OnX bought Toprut (draw odds app)at the end of last year. I haven't seen much about the interface between the two, but it will be interesting. It seems like they are trying to become a one stop shop.
I also experienced GPS issues with the GoHunt app last fall. I tried everything I could think of to fix the issues (hard close the app, restart app, restart phone, check location services were on, etc.,) and it still showed I was several ridges over.

OnX showed my location correctly. I haven't gone back to GoHunt's mobile app since.