Went scouting this weekend and found a few spots.
Did not see any mule deer but saw a few speed goats.
Anyone have any luck in this area? I have found multiple spots but I am either am going to have to become a ninja or hunt these grey ghosts Texas style and set up a pop up blind.
Not looking for spots to hunt, but guidance. Do mule deer view popup blinds like white tail or more like elk?
Can I set one up in the dark and hope they come to the water holes, or will they spook at something new to the area?
Did not see any mule deer but saw a few speed goats.
Anyone have any luck in this area? I have found multiple spots but I am either am going to have to become a ninja or hunt these grey ghosts Texas style and set up a pop up blind.
Not looking for spots to hunt, but guidance. Do mule deer view popup blinds like white tail or more like elk?
Can I set one up in the dark and hope they come to the water holes, or will they spook at something new to the area?