
My take; I've shot my buddies...nothing special. An ILF riser with cheap fiberglass/wood limbs is comparable. These bows are all about the why not get something with some good options for limbs? FYI, the SF Elite+ limbs for $250 make a cheap riser an incredible bow.

The higher end TT limbs are pretty good good if not better than the DAS
I've had one for about ten years, traded a black widow for it. I couldn't shoot the BW very well but I can shoot this GMII very well. I've heard a ton of folks talk about how bad they are, but I can shoot it better than any custom bow I've ever shot and I don't have to worry about it warping. Just my opinion.
Rereading my comments it does have a bit of a negative implication for these bows- on the contrary, I like them and they are better than many of the custom bows out there today. I do think they compare equally to the lower end ILF stuff- which is good in its own right...but hard to go back to after shooting good carbon/foam limbs
I will put my Borders on the riser I just bought used tonight. The stock limbs are horrible if you draw past 28". I draw about 30-30.5" depending on the riser. I have the TT limb bushing kit for them.
I am not as grown up as you, I have about a 26.5" draw on my recurve so I can get away with the stock limbs. Make sure give us an update on how it shoots. Which arrows are you planning on shooting?

En route.
I might camouflage it. I like toys that are pre-modified so I'm not afraid to beat on them, like a shiny Wingmaster. I'll take the beat up rust-pitted one.

The rattle cans are going to get deployed soon. Kryptek Highlander would look nice too.

I thought that I needed a 61" string. Turns out I need a 60" string so I will do that first, then float my shafts and then fletch.