Muleman, I agree with you that consuming fresh, whole foods with as little proscessing as possible is key. I certianly did not mean to belittle the condition. We tend to lack objectivity and common sense when we self diagnose. I make a point when I talk to my doc that I point out that I have a fair amount of intelligence, some medical and nutritional training, a wide a varied reading list, and just enough knowledge to be really dangerous to myself when I try to self diagnose with errornet assistance. When I was growing up I had a friend who was a diagnosed celiac, and it was commonly dealt with by allergists as an allergy. Within the last 20-25 years the autoimmune issue was noted, and has become the primary explanation, due to different antibodies produced during the reaction.
By definition grain products are processed. Steamed,parched,milled,ect. Grains tend to be calorie dense, and micronutrient poor compared measure for measure with other food sources. They store well, and are a great source of simple calories, even with the craze for whole grains. It makes little sense that our government should advocate up to 65% of our daily calories coming starches, and their components, sugars.
I carry along a suppressed .22 when I hunt. Patrick Smith's rambling approach to hunting by harvesting nongame critters for camp meat has the potential of lightening the pack and providing minimally proscessed, free range grass fed foods for a lot of your caloric needs while in the field. Check out his essays on the K site.
Also, thank you for the testing information, I did not realize how poor the blood test was. The older I get the more leery I am of any group issuing blanket statements about eradicating any groups of foods. Folks with a diagnosis or professional medical advice should follow their healthcare provider's instructions, of course, but my greatgrandparents and grandparents (wheat farmers) lived into their 90s (with no weight or cardiovascular issues) on diverse diets that excluded very little, and balanced everything else. I cant recall any meal with them where any food group approached 50% of calories consumed, and if it did it took days/weeks for that particular ratio to show itself again.