OK, any votes from here down may not be eligible. Depends on if we catch anyone with double entries. If we do, that opens a few more so ok to still vote, just no promises...
Thanks Roksliders! Pretty dang cool to see 99 roll in barely over 24 hours...
can't wait to hear what the winner thinks when he gets some time on the gear.
Thanks for the response everyone! It's awesome to see the response and get these 100 entries in so quickly!
Here's a bit of info about each of our tripod kits for those interested, and to help the winner choose their option.
Our first product was the Nano Pro Fluid head. Both of these kits will have the same head - this is a true fluid head with a fluid (hydraulic) cartridge that helps create the smooth movement. There are other lighweight pan heads that may use the word fluid, but many of them don't have a true fluid component and use felt, gears, etc. Fluid heads deliver the smoothest function of anything on the market, but most fluid heads, like the Surui VA-5, weight well over a pound. This little Nano Pro delivers exceptionally smooth performance, at only 9 ounces. We've had incredible response on this product and it is our best seller.
I started tripod design over 2 years year with the release of the MTN SS. I probably did it backwards because we already were selling the Nano Pro, but my goal was to have a sub 2 pound fluid tripod kit, and it took some work to get it right. It's easy to go ultralight, but not easy to go ultralight and stable. So I reduced leg sections to cut weight and actually add stability vs tripods with more leg sections. I also wanted a center column to ease of use - of course you can use it at the lowest setting and the short section if you don't like utilizing that adjustment to save some weight. I wanted my column locker above the tripod legs so I could access it easily, and the MTN SS was born - weighing under 20 ounces in its lighweight configuration and easily beating my goal of a 2 lb kit when paired with the Nano Pro. This is primarily a sitting tripod, great for hunters in steeper terrain looking to lighten their kit for hunting mule deer, sheep, elk, etc.
Now for the Swift TS - our new offering. We had a soft launch on this product a few months ago and will push out more information and marketing next month in conjunction with some trade shows. Our most common feedback from our customers was that they want a standing-height tripod. So we took the MTN SS, and made everything bigger. By utlizing the design fundamentals discovered in the design of the MTN SS, the Swift TS exceeded my expectations. It has 3 leg sections, great ergonomics, supports a lot of weight, and weighs under 2 lbs (without the head).
I realize that our tripods don't pack down as much as others, but I also designed these from my experience. They can easily be strapped to the side of your pack and deploy quickly and are more stable than other tripods of their weight due to their design.
Thanks again for participating in our giveaway. We have a bunch of cool products in development right now and hope to continue to build MTN HNTR - with your help to bring even better products to hunters. I'm happy to answer any questions. PM or post and I'll try to stay up to speed and answer in a timely fashon.
Thank you all for your engagement in this giveaway. It's a great showcase of the Rokslide community and participation.
The winner is....WBT
@WBT get in touch with me here via pm, or by email at [email protected] - You can choose the tripod kit you want. Either the MTN SS - made for the weight conscious hunter who primarily sits and glasses - or the new Swift TS - a full standing height tripod that fits a lot of performance into 31 ounces.