glad I'm not a newbie elk hunter


Jul 3, 2014
arkansas or ohio
i agree. i have worn army surplus wool all my life. the high dollar stuff aint me!

i know at my age it would be a daunting task. probably insurmountable. but you young uns need to go. before you are retired and decrepit.

going from buckeye land 1500 miles was a huge step and a leap of faith. but that urge to see the other side of the hill drove me hard.

once the night before packing in we were eating and 2 ol gents struck up a conversation about where and how to hunt. they had just retired and were on their first trip. DIY. now this was 25 years ago but the challenge they faced still sticks with me, very sad.


Jan 24, 2014
I'm that new guy also, have been ever since I started doing this crazy ass hobbie of elk hunting in '99.
Never stop learning and trying new. But as Jason said:

Keep it simple stupid. Borrow gear, buy used, don't overthink shit. Get a tag and go hunt. And have fun.

let me add tho, don't slam or look down on those that have the courage to admit they don't know it all and aren't afraid to ask.
Apr 3, 2013
Somewhere between here and there
let me add tho, don't slam or look down on those that have the courage to admit they don't know it all and aren't afraid to ask.


I hope you don't think I'm slamming or looking down on anyone. I've asked my share of questions, and then some. And still ask. I will never know it all.

Rather, I'm trying to convey the message to quit thinking you need X, Y, and Z for gear and need to draw a tag with X number of points in order to go elk hunting. Despite all of my advancements in gear and knowledge, I spent five days in Montana in November sleeping in the back of my truck and hunting a general tag unit because I felt that was the best adaptation at the time to the circumstances I was operating under.

Edit: How many times (not directed at anyone specifically here) do you see a thread where a guy is buying points and planning an elk hunt 5-10 years down the road. That's fine, if that is your ONLY option. However, my response to them is always the same. Buy your points and plant the hunt. But, by all means, get off your ass and find a place to hunt on a general tag and hunt every year if you can afford. Hunt as MUCH as time and money allows you to. Otherwise, you're setting yourself up for disappointment when you finally do draw the tag, but find out you don't know squat about elk hunting, or you realize you wished you hadn't wasted 5-10 years of sitting on the sidelines building points for the "hunt of a lifetime". Every year can be the hunt of a lifetime, regardless of whether it's in your backyard or a coveted special draw unit.
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under h2o hunter

Dec 21, 2014
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
I like this thread. Mainly because I grew up hunting from the young age of 7 years old. Now that I am 38 I can't remember what it was like being a new hunter. I do remember wearing heavy wool pants and having crappy optics though. The modern age of nice equipment sure does make things easier. But the learning aspect of hunting I bet is still the same. Everyone goes through the ups and downs. Killing elk for me no longer carries the thrill it used to. I have moved on to mentoring others to their first kills and working with novice hunters to help them become successful. This is where I find my thrill. As someone stated earlier it doesn't need to be over thought. I spend a lot of time on various forums and chat rooms related to elk and I read guys and gals questions about this area or that area. What should I do about this or that. The internet has made things easier for people to learn some things as the evolution of equipment has made hunting easier and more enjoyable. The thing that bothers me though about the evolution of hunting is that some have lost the respect for both the task at hand as well as others. Now a days you see guys bashing others for this or that. You see people only caring about the bragging rights. Seems everyone now a days is on some sort of "PRO STAFF" Hunting certainly isn't what it used to be, at least not for me. What ever your reason for getting into hunting remember that it's suppose to be fun and something you enjoy above everything else. Good luck to everyone.


Mar 2, 2014
This is just my humble opinion, but we as humans make it awfully easy to overthink shit.

Jason's statement is dead on. Last week as my hunting partner are pouring over every last detail and stat on a WY unit we're looking at
our friend from WY let us know, "you guys are overthinking this. It is a good unit. There are big bulls there to be killed. Get the tag."

Much easier to overthink, though, when you live 2000 miles away.


Jan 24, 2014
Guys I meant nothing towards anyone with that reply. It was just a comment. As a matter of fact Jason, you are dead on in everything you stated. My POV and thats all. Its all good!!


Apr 1, 2014
I'm that new guy also, have been ever since I started doing this crazy ass hobbie of elk hunting in '99.

Never stop learning and trying new. But as Jason said:

let me add tho, don't slam or look down on those that have the courage to admit they don't know it all and aren't afraid to ask.

Hopefully no ones holds back on questions even if they're elementary, and I see a lot of newbie questions being patiently answered.
Jan 23, 2014
Worst part of being a new elk hunter is getting a tag! Resident az 6 years now no tag! I have hunted with others on their tags to learn and I spend every year in the field scouting them but 1 tag every 7 years its going to be a long process.
Yes I will be going to Colorado, this can't happen every year though.


Apr 1, 2014
Worst part of being a new elk hunter is getting a tag! Resident az 6 years now no tag! I have hunted with others on their tags to learn and I spend every year in the field scouting them but 1 tag every 7 years its going to be a long process.

Yes I will be going to Colorado, this can't happen every year though.

that does suck.....maybe concentrate on otc CO, truck will never give u enough experience


Jan 30, 2016
I've been hunting deer for 25 years, Ive never been interested in the big stinkys. I moved to Wyoming last year and everyone I know here hunts elk,deer are kind of an after thought. I guess I better pay attention.


Oct 4, 2015
So Im definitely one of those new guys. Ive never been west of the Mississippi River. Ever. Im spending my money buying a few points in select states and making long term plans because I cant just say screw it, head west and buy a general tag to hunt. I have the means to do that, but I dont have the time. Im active duty Navy, and my entire life revolves around the schedule of a ship. I hunt whitetails here in Virginia, but Im lucky if I get 5 days in the woods the entire fall. I havent shot a deer since 2011 because of this schedule, even though Ive let a handful walk because it wasnt what I was looking for (Im not going to shoot a 50lb doe or a small spike buck).

I recently posted a thread asking about a CO unit. The reason I ask is because when I finally am able to go, it might be the only opportunity I have for the next 5 years...maybe more. While Id love to head out year after year and really learn a spot, the Navy doesnt give me the time. Im asking the "where" questions now, so when the opportunity finally arrives, I have some sort of idea and Im not chasing ghosts.


Oct 4, 2015
I spent some time in VA, I was stationed on the USS JFK in the late 80s. I hated that place something fierce.

This is my 2nd tour here. I did my first stretch here in Norfolk on USS James E. Williams (DDG 95) from 2005-10, and Im on the USS Nitze (DDG 94) now. Its probably not much better here now than it was in the 80's...
Jan 23, 2014
that does suck.....maybe concentrate on otc CO, truck will never give u enough experience

Ya I'm working on that one. I already have my unit picked I just need to go for it. I think thus year my priorities will get me an elk tag one way or another. I even try to maximize opportunity by getting my kids and dad involved and believe it or not 3 straight no draws for cow elk hunts with 500 tags in the unit. Very frustratung . my daughter struck out 2 years in a row for youth tags. Then she drew a tag with me for deer and my father in law died the day before our departcher and we left for Kansas. Enough of the downer stuff,,,, when we have hunted we had the best of times. Everything happens for a reason, I an now applying for Kansas deer lol.
I told a buddy elk hunting in az is like getting into golf and buying clubs, bag, clothes, range finder, then getting out on the course as much as possible only to find out your not allowed any balls. Lol
Dec 28, 2015
New guy to elk hunting as well. And it can be overwhelming. Buy this, do that, don't do that, read this, don't believe that, it's overcrowded in that unit, walk in as far as you can, no wait, you don't have to walk in all that far just find the right place and on and on! The internet is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to finding information. It is amazing to have the knowledge of thousands of hunters and access harvest statistics at your fingertips, but all that leads to information overload! You can find 10 different opinions on every subject and all 10 are right! And don't get me started on researching harvest stats! talk about making your head spin! When I decided on when and where to hunt, I started researching, and then immediately started second guessing myself. So I researched other places, and then others and more before I finally decided this was crazy, I went back to my original plan.

And I have not even talked about gear, don't even get me started on that! But, like many others have said, you don't need all the latest and greatest gear and gadgets, you just need to pick a place, buy a tag, have a weapon and go hunting!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Liberty Lake, WA
I like this right here, because if your in the woods with any gear you have an opportunity and sometimes that is all you need.....

"you don't need all the latest and greatest gear and gadgets, you just need to pick a place, buy a tag, have a weapon and go hunting! "


Feb 25, 2012
timekiller, you are so correct in your evaluation of advice on the Internet! Here's what you do, pick out 3 guys here that are consistent elk killers year in & year out for many years & hunt the way you plan on hunting. Find out from them your most important concerns & how they handle them. Otherwise you will experience tons of contradiction from one post to the next. What you will find out is many of the guys offering advice rarely kill elk themselves but have lots of ideas about it. I don't want to seem harsh about it but this goes on in about every hunting site. Good luck!



Oct 3, 2013
OR Hunter back in Oregon
Who the hell is Elknut1? has he ever killed anything?:D

I am pushing 50. I decided I could care less to ever get a tag that takes more than 4-5 points. I have also learned through a lot of help and inspiration from some of these guys to get off my ass and find a place to hunt. I have found plenty of over the counter and second choice tags that offer up opportunity, and we likely draw the elk tag we want every 3 years. I call that win. I spend at least 4-5 times as long in the woods now than I used to between scouting and hunting. That is the ultimate goal for me. Ross hit it. Step 1 is be in the woods.


Feb 25, 2012
Ha Ha, wasn't referring to myself here for sure but Ross would be at the top of the list to consider! (grin)

No doubt lots of info can be had from sites as this, problem is who do you believe & who don't you? It's like all these folks recommending their packs & then you find out they have little to no meat packing experience.

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Jun 19, 2015
Denver, CO
This is a very thought provoking topic for me. I'm blessed to have experienced the great outdoors and hunt for almost a half century. Looking back, my greatest regret is that I often missed (or ignored) the opportunity to share this passion and what I frequently learned the hard way with others. I now realize that my greatest hunting joys have actually come from watching others (particularly the kids) learn and succeed. I'm happy I discovered this site and to see Rokslide members sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience with others. I'm still learning and hope it never ends...