Give up on AZ?


Mar 11, 2020
Sitting on 6 elk points and 4 deer points in AZ but seriously debating on dropping it from my list of states. Living in MT I'm not looking for opportunity hunts but rather hunts with a reasonable chance at a fairly decent trophy. What would you guys do? Thinking I could take that money and focus on buying some decent ID tags on years I get a good spot in line.
I would keep buying the points, after 5 years you get the loyalty point per species and if you take the Arizona hunters ed you get a permanent point for life. So, after 5 years and you draw a tag, you actually start back at 2 points. Don't know what you're holding out for unit wise but even the worst units are better than most other states. Deer is the tougher one, good mule deer tags (strip, Kaibab) will be ever out of reach, but you can always get lucky, if you haven't had the chance, you should look at Coues tags. Fun deer to hunt and you can a decent tag with 4 points and after you can draw some units every other year or so.
OP- always think about this when application season rolls around. I'm in a handful of states with anywhere between 2-10 points. Realize I will probably only hunt each common species (deer, elk, antelope) once in some of these states as a NR in my life. Hard to decide if $160 for 10 years is worth it. For me for now it is. But I've stopped adding states.
OP- always think about this when application season rolls around. I'm in a handful of states with anywhere between 2-10 points. Realize I will probably only hunt each common species (deer, elk, antelope) once in some of these states as a NR in my life. Hard to decide if $160 for 10 years is worth it. For me for now it is. But I've stopped adding states.
This is where I am at. I like the coues deer idea rather than just letting the points expire. The plan when I started building points was always late rifle in higher end units (ideally for 5-6 points) but the odds are just getting awfully long on those opportunities. Just has me wondering if the money and time would be better spent elsewhere.
Option for your elk points might be to pull a "premier" cow tag. Be in one of the best units of the state have a good hunt and see some big bulls. Cash out the points for deer and elk in a year or 2, then drop the state. Current idea I am tossing around with my brother on a couple state we have points in. We may never draw decent/ good bull & buck tags in these states.
Coues deer are challenging and fun. I am sitting on 13 deer points, and I am in no-man's land for a high-end Coues tag and a bunch of Coues tags. Lol. Also sitting on 8-9 elk points after drawing a tag in the past. Hard to give in, but I would look at trying a coues hunt, after you draw a tag, throw in for some impossible tags until you want to Coues hunt again. You will never draw if you don't put in.
What’s the point in stopping now? You’ll draw eventually….

In all seriousness, you dont need a ton of points to draw an elk tag. Look at the Eastmans/Huntin Fool and see what they dont recommend. For deer I have a feeling AZ will be going more draw in the future so your points may get you a tag down the road.
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Being an AZ resident, I think sticking with the coues deer plan is a good idea. It's tough to imagine it being worth it to ride it out for a NR mule deer tag that is worth your time. Lots of units have big mule deer, but few have the numbers that make an out of state guy worth sticking it out.

RIfle or archery elk? Early or late season? As a resident, an early rifle bull tag takes 20-25 points to draw. A good archery early season tag can take 10+. Add in the non resident part and its likely out of reach. A late season tag can still provide some great opportunity at trophy caliber size, but tougher hunting conditions and elk that are pretty educated at that point. You could draw a rifle cow tag with the points you have now.
Being an AZ resident, I think sticking with the coues deer plan is a good idea. It's tough to imagine it being worth it to ride it out for a NR mule deer tag that is worth your time. Lots of units have big mule deer, but few have the numbers that make an out of state guy worth sticking it out.

RIfle or archery elk? Early or late season? As a resident, an early rifle bull tag takes 20-25 points to draw. A good archery early season tag can take 10+. Add in the non resident part and its likely out of reach. A late season tag can still provide some great opportunity at trophy caliber size, but tougher hunting conditions and elk that are pretty educated at that point. You could draw a rifle cow tag with the points you have now.
I am proficient with rifle and archery. Plan was always late season. Not to sound arrogant but I would put myself as quite a bit better than average elk but with no boots on the ground time before the hunt an archery hunt in November sounds like a tall task.
If you want a trophy unit as a non res in az you could get lucky like the other 1% applicants but realistically you will be waiting 20 years.
Not 100% sure I understand what you’re saying. Are you talking about buying Idaho “general” licenses instead of applying for Arizona limited entry permits? If so I don’t think those are comparable at all in trophy quality. Idaho would be really similar in quality to what you get with Montana general tags unless you plan on putting some serious scouting into deer. That could pay off in Idaho I guess
Sitting on 6 elk points and 4 deer points in AZ but seriously debating on dropping it from my list of states. Living in MT I'm not looking for opportunity hunts but rather hunts with a reasonable chance at a fairly decent trophy. What would you guys do? Thinking I could take that money and focus on buying some decent ID tags on years I get a good spot in line.
If your an archery hunter, I'd definitely keep chasing points for elk. Like others have mentioned after 5 consecutive years your really sitting at 7 points with hunter Ed course. Your not that far off from several units. A 280-300" bull is doable in the lesser point units in az.

As for deer, ya your screwed. Unless you know somebody down there that's got an area figured out besides the strip or Kaibab, I'd look at couse hunt. You could split your points with a buddy and go. Something fun and different to do. Especially later seasons when MT is gettin cold. Would make for a fun get away in my opinion.

This is my plan really as I'm a NR to AZ as well
I'm sure some guys will disagree but I wrote AZ off a long time ago. The $160 you have to spend up front every year on the license just didn't seem worth it to me when I started buying points and trying to draw tags.
I've been hunting in other states several times in the same time period I'd be sitting and waiting for AZ. I feel the same way with NV.
I'm sure some guys will disagree but I wrote AZ off a long time ago. The $160 you have to spend up front every year on the license just didn't seem worth it to me when I started buying points and trying to draw tags.
I've been hunting in other states several times in the same time period I'd be sitting and waiting for AZ. I feel the same way with NV.
I felt the exact same way for years until my older sister moved there permanently. It is expensive. Unfortunately she doesn’t live in good hunting country but now I have another excuse to go visit ( or to go hunting, depending on who’s asking).
My friends gave it up after finally drawing a very expensive cow tag after 10 years. That's $1600 for a cow tag. They drew Coues tag after 12 years. Gave up the Mule deer hunts. Their only comments were that it was very expensive for both. They now hunt Colorado and Montana, South Dakota.
Can’t win if you don’t play. Arizona Nonresident Desert Bighorn Sheep tag with 13 points in 2022. Still thankful, blessed, and grateful. Arizona is great - love the terrain and the people…

I’m sticking with the long-term plan. To each his own. Happy hunting to all, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.