Giant Phallus In the Sky


Staff member
Mar 19, 2016
I was alerted to this by a coworker. I hope it brings a smile to your day... In the way that adolescent behavior should.

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Apparently the navy didn't find it humorous...

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Some butt hurt nancy didn't find it funny as usual, bet ya these guys get kicked out or face some ungodly amount of punishment....and to think Bowe Berghdal was traitorous, deserter and coward.....he only walked with a fine and dishonorable discharge!! Makes me sick.
You’re probably right, they will get a ton of backlash over this. Now if they would have drawn two of them crossed, the left would have treated them as heros.

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I bet their Skipper is still chewing their ass. I really doubt they will get kicked out, might not get to re-up, but probably will, it costs so much to train pilots, they can't afford to lose them.
I bet their Skipper is still chewing their ass. I really doubt they will get kicked out, might not get to re-up, but probably will, it costs so much to train pilots, they can't afford to lose them.

Isn't there a major shortage of pilots? Stupid if they get more then an ass chewing.
If they had just thrown a rain coat on that little thing, they'd be heros for promoting safe sex practices. I guess this means that operation Raw Phallus isn't living up to expectations.
Isn't there a major shortage of pilots? Stupid if they get more then an ass chewing.

There always is a shortage till the airlines start laying off pilots and they come back in. They will probably not make it to command level and get forced out eventually, this doesn't exactly show a lot of good judgement.
I think everyone in the military drew that on a bathroom stall or somewhere else at least once in their career. I forwarded the Navy Times article to a bunch of friends I served with and we all got a laugh out of it. Some people don’t get that humor
Pretty good pilot to do that with...contrails? Maybe the message isn't the pecker.
Pretty good pilot to do that with...contrails? Maybe the message isn't the pecker.

Well, those are VAQ squadrons up there at Whidbey, V stands for fixed wing, A stands for attack and everybody says the Q stood for queer. But I've been retired for 11 years now, that might of changed! They have the Electronic Jamming versions of the Super Hornet. Pretty cool airplane!
Perfect example of what's wrong with this country. Get over it. Let people smile and have some friggin fun........

From personal experience, believe me when I️ say that display took some aviation prowess. First you have to worry about the jet stream and winds aloft, then you have to consider the contrail level and be able to time when you are marking and when you aren’t, then there is the ability to draw a perfectly sized and symmetrical phallus. My hat is off to the pilot and ewo who were awesome enough to make that happen. I️ just hope they were Lieutenants, because you can generally get away with that stuff if you are young enough.
I heard that they are claiming that they really like the state of TX and that it was made to look like a cowboy hat. Or maybe that’s what their lawyer is claiming.

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