Ghillie Suit Recommendation


Dec 24, 2015
Prepping for a Utah archery hunt this August. Trying to cover all bases and have as many options when it comes to clothing. Have a ton of hot weather gear. But was considering buying a ghillie. Is there one that would be bearable to wear in the hot weather? If so, which one would you guys recommend?

Thanks In advance.
Sapper suit, ribbon cut with mesh liner. Trench coat length ghillie suit, no pants required. It light, packs easily and works great. Use it for whitetail hunting.
The sapper is great from all predator calls. I have one for hunting coyotes. Nice and light, and don't need the pants to catch on brush
Depends what you want to spend, but I own a Tactical Concealment Mamba suit. I bought a ton of jute, moss hair, etc plus natural foliage to match my environment. I usually only use it for coyote hunting but it's bomb proof, doesn't look like a yeti or swamp creature, and plenty cool for warm weather. Definitely expensive though.
Utah is hot. In all seriousness, I have found that the practice of standing behind a bush is pretty darn good concealment.
yep, although I don't bother with the pants anymore, unless I am wearing shorts underneath.

x2. for 85-90 degree plus weather my setup is tiburon pants with ss merino top and then put the asat leafy top on when putting on a stalk. only way i can wear the leafy pant is with shorts underneath, double pants is too hot.