Getting started on White Tail


Aug 23, 2024
Get very proficient at shooting your gun, or bow, and make sure to practice real world not just bench. 100 yards with a slug gun is plenty but you better be able to take the shot quick. Also practice holding a shooting pose for 30 seconds and then cracking off a shot quickly. You do not want to be trying to figure out deer while you are still figuring out how to shoot straight. Other than that remember that hunting isnt killing. You need to enjoy the woods and learning about them. Shooting animals is just the reason to go, and the proof you are good at it.
Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
This is good advice. In more than 40 years in the woods, I've killed 90+ whitetails, and still screw up sometimes.
I would love to have a composite video of all my screw ups my first few years out there on my own. That was so long ago it would probably be in black and white…. I feel sure I could win me $10,000 on that funnest home video…. I killed a lot of game even back then but my gosh it wasn't pretty…