Getting back to it!

Apr 17, 2018
I haven't bought a bow since 2015. It's an elite energy 35. 74# @ 31.5" draw. I hunted a few times with it, shot it a lot and then stopped cold turkey when I started building a house in September of 2021 in my "free time". Then I had an Achilles injury and subsequent repair in May of 2022. I now have some time to get back after it. I'm not interested in buying a new set up at the moment, but I do want to get some new equipment for the old bow. I gave all of my old arrows to a neighbor when I quit shooting. I plan on having the bow re-strung, getting a new three pin sight, possibly a new rest and buying a dozen shafts. I still have all of my fletching equipment. Any suggestions on shafts and sights? Thanks guys.
I shot Gold Tip's in the past. I've been looking at Sirius and Gold Tip. I tend to overthink things and it doesn't help that both manufacturers have so many damn options! I'm curious about the Sirius Vulcan lineup. I don't want a pencil thin shaft. I prefer a bit more girth and durability. I've been known to make an errant shot!
I went through my "archery box" this weekend and found a NIB Black Gold Ascent Verdict 3 pin. I have no idea when I bought it. What a great surprise though! I also found 12 new Gold Tip Hunter XT shafts in 250 spine. I know they aren't the best, but they'll work once I fletch them.

Any tips on installing a new sight? Our local archery shop shut down about a year ago and I don't have time to drive a couple hours round trip to the nearest one. The local shop did all of my bow work in the past. I'm not intimidated by installing a sight, but I'm not sure of what to look out. I know dialing in the 3 axes can be challenging without the proper tools.