getting around in Idaho Beaverhead unit

May 11, 2021
Thankfully I was able to get a tag. This will be my first year hunting in Idaho so I am pretty excited.
I hunted Beaverhead last year and several years before that (but over a decade ago). Be sure to get your legs in shape for lots of walking. Happy to pm when you get closer to planning your hunt and share information on my experiences there.

Mike Hunt

Dec 21, 2021
Good information. I too plan on hunting Beaverhead this year.

Hi. Do you r anybody know a service in that area for packing out game? Going to hunt Beaverhead 2022 for multi species and will take any info u r willing to share. Going solo, due to my best friend deciding to die on me the day after getting tags. It was a huge shock as he was active and only 49. He had planned on hunting it for his 8th year in a row. Being a Disabled Veteran USMC, I was unsure about going alone, but I can still hold my own, well kinda lol. So I’m going in his honor, unfortunately without him or his knowledge of those units. Beaverhead newbie!!! Planning on 4 scouting trips prior to elk season. Pretty knowledgeable Outdoorsman, whitetail/turkey guide in IL and MO from 1996-2014. Bow, muzzle, rifle and shotgun hunter and love to fish. Lucky to have Hunting property in IL and MO, willing to trade hunts etc. Again any knowledge about hunting the Beaverhead would be greatly appreciated. Also looking to meet people that plan on being there in 2022, be nice to know some of the hunters out there at same time. Help pack out etc etc. Thanks in advance, Mike
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