I feel like this whole thread is us vs them.There´s also plenty of Democrats that are pro 2A. There are 2 subforums on Reddit for pro 2A liberals. People might be surprised how many people with diametrically opposed views on other issues are in complete agreeance on the 2A.
Gun ownership in general is definitely more common among Republicans, with 57% of Republicans having at least one gun in their household.
But 25% of Democrats live in a household with at least one firearm. That is not an insignificant number of voters at all.
1. The demographics of gun ownership
Understanding gun ownership in America is not as simple as knowing who does and does not own a gun. Some Americans who don’t personally own guns live withwww.pewsocialtrends.org
All of this bodes well in general for the 2A.
People are super quick these days to paint a picture of ¨Us vs Them.¨ It´s easy and it´s intellectually lazy. In reality plenty of people in this country don´t vote strictly along party lines.
But Freedom Loving Americans vs. Communists is certainly more fun.
Is there any democratic candidate that would have made people happy on here?
I wasn't aware of those stats and shouldn't have made an absolute statement.