General archery success!

Well done!!! To get the job done on a buck of that caliber is impressive (not to mention the long hot days…not easy). Great seeing big Idaho bucks

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Holy crap man year after year you bring in slammers! You’ve got a passel of dandy bucks! Congrats! You’ve clearly got those big ole muleys figured out!

Maybe if I get a swaro 115 it will magically find those giant muleys too. 🤣
Holy crap man year after year you bring in slammers! You’ve got a passel of dandy bucks! Congrats! You’ve clearly got those big ole muleys figured out!

Maybe if I get a swaro 115 it will magically find those giant muleys too. 🤣
Hahaha yes the 115 does find them for you!! Lol.. thanks man. I truly love trying to find these big ole bucks!
This scouting season was rough for me! I couldn’t find a big deer that I felt like I could kill with my bow! I found 3 deer over 180 all summer. I put in 44 days of scouting before I found this deer. After I found him I knew he was the one I would hunt. He was hidden in a small canyon with a lot of thick country but I felt like I could ambush him between his feeding area and bedding area. On the second day of the hunt he bedded in the wide open and allowed me to stalk him. I was 43 yards from him when he stood from his bed and started walking right towards me. I didn’t want to take a frontal shot so I had to wait for him to turn broadside. He walked to 21 yards and turned broadside. I was shaking so bad that I thought there was no way I could make the shot. I settled the pin and the bow surprised me as it went off! I heard the whack and knew it was over for him. He ran 75 yards and tipped over. This buck is 31.50 wide and has some crazy numbers behind the rest of his antler system. I plan on having him officially scored after he comes out of the freezer so I’ll post more info after that! He is my biggest to date and I couldn’t be happier with him!! Hope y’all enjoy the photos!
44 days of scouting? You’re a beast. We’ll deserved!
Congrats on another slammer buck.
What was the date range of your 44 days scouting, when did you start?
So where I am hunting the start to my scouting begins in June and runs till one week before the archery hunt opens. That final week I pick a deer and begin plotting my approach and trying to see where he is vulnerable and also collecting wind data in his area. Usually what time the thermals begin to switch is really important information for me.