Gear for the hunt

Dang the DT2 can hold a bunch! You make mention of a food video is that in the works? I think I have a pretty good handle on the food but it is always interesting to see what others bring.
This might be the most informative forum on the site.
I should have the food video completed/edited next week. I ran out of a couple things to complete all my meals for the day.
No worries, we have some time. While reading about this stuff is ok and pictures are good seeing someone actually doing the activity and hearing their reasoning behind the decissions is great. I am a very visual person and to see the pro staffers doing this and explaining is a huge plus. Keep the videes and great work coming. Thanks agian.
No worries, we have some time. While reading about this stuff is ok and pictures are good seeing someone actually doing the activity and hearing their reasoning behind the decissions is great. I am a very visual person and to see the pro staffers doing this and explaining is a huge plus. Keep the videes and great work coming. Thanks agian.

Yes it is nice to hear someone and see someone talking about why they are doing what they do. Especially when they have years of knowledge and experience under their belt.