Here it is. Due to the complete lack of mounting options for this new device, I made my own. I'm not using my exo lid during my hunt, so I can't put it in the small zip pocket on top. I'd like easier access anyway.
My older boy who kinda likes sewing has been sick, so I couldn't get him to sew a pouch for me. My wife is helping me make some stream crossing gaiters to keep my feet dry, so I took it upon myself to rig this up.
Free retractable clipping lanyard from work, painted to remove the plastic chrome shine.
Self stick Velcro wrap on the shoulder strap.
Adhesive Velcro on the tracker bottom.
Mounted on the shoulder to orient straight up, mostly. I think it will work well. I wasn't psyched about putting super adhesive on the back of the tracker, but I can probably get it off with something if need be.

After playing with it for a few days, I think it will be light-years ahead of my SpotX.
The messenger app seems to function perfectly. I haven't encountered any bugs.
Messages seem to send very quickly (in the city). One gripe I have is that there doesn't seem to be a a quick confirmation on the tracker screen that a message has successfully sent. Unless, it is the up/down arrows in the corner. That disappear. Either this is for the message check, which is does any time you send a message, or you can do it manually, or it is for that and the message sent confirmation. But when looking at a sent message details screen, the time sent seems to be before the arrows disappear on the main screen. Anyway, this is probably something I'll figure out because the manual does not have much detail on all of the functionality.
There is no mapping or navigation capabilities with this tracker. It does have the trackback feature, but I believe it is only a compass and distance icon on the tracker screen. I'm not sure if it shows up in the app. I haven't played with the trackback feature much at all.
The tracker screen and button functions are easy to use. Yes it would be a pain to send messages from it, but with 20 possible pre-entered quick texts it wouldn't be to bad.
There is a quick menu using the OK button on the tracker. You can send a check in, start tracking, do an message incoming check, and view coordinates from this quick menu.
With 4 clicks of the OK button, you can send a check in.
Changing settings on the tracker is straightforward and quick.
You can change all settings on the tracker from the app. Add contacts. Initiate sos. Message, weather, start tracking. There's a few different options for who/where to share your tracks with on the app.
Updating the software (and firmware too I'm pretty sure) is done with a software update either through Garmin explore or the app. It's very easy on the app and fairly quick.
I plan to only have the Bluetooth on the tracker and my phone turned on when I want to send a message other than a check in, to save battery life. I'll likely have it set to 30min tracking and send 3ish check-ins a day and maybe a couple of messages. I'll be in a mix of forest and open terrain in the mountains, around 10-11k feet, and likely not in a tight canyon where the walls prohibit signal much. Hopefully, I'll get through 10 days without charging.